First off I have to say this site rocks L) ....
ok ive read million threads but due to my noobness I cant figure it out , I jus installed FC3 final test ( awsome so far ) I am trying to install the latest Nvidia Driver 1.0-6111 . for my FX 5200
I modified the runlevel to 3 in the inittab
then I did the export CC-gcc32 ( but dont know if it worked )
ran the install and got
WARNING: Your kernel was configured to include rivafb support as
a loadable kernel module.
The rivafb driver conflicts with the NVIDIA driver; the
NVIDIA kernel module will still be built and installed,
but be aware that the NVIDIA driver will not be able to
function properly if the rivafb module is loaded!
I read the you must put Rivabf on the blacklist for it to not autoload , do I do the before or after installing the driver ?
next I get
-> Kernel module compilation complete.
ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.ko'. This is most likely
because the kernel module was built using the wrong kernel source files.
Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your
kernel; on Red Hat Linux systems, for example, be sure you have the
'kernel-source' rpm installed. If you know the correct kernel source
files are installed, you may specify the kernel source path with the
'--kernel-source-path' commandline option.
-> Kernel module load error: insmod: error inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko':
-1 Invalid module format
ok hehe umm how do I install the source ?
Any help or links to help be greatly appreciated
Question 2 is that I get no sound from CD/DVD drives, I dont have the audio cables hooked up because in Windows it came threw the IDE cable. mabye I need drivers for the spicific cd/dvdroms that i have but not sure, hehe I got lot to learn
btw system specs are
AMD Athlon 2600+
Gforce FX5200 ( 8xagp 128mb ddr )
512mb pc3200 DDR
Asus A7N8X mainboard
Samsun 80GB HDD
not sure is theres a max length to these post but should I post the whole Nvidia driver install log ?