I recently upgraded to Fedora Core 4, and i am happy with it for the most part, but i can't get ndiswrapper to compile. without this i can't get onto the net. here is the error message i get:
[root@localhost ndiswrapper-1.2]# make
make -C driver
make[1]: Entering the directory '/root/ndiswrapper-1.2/driver'
Can't find kernel sources in /lib/modules/2.6.11-1.1369_FC4/build;
give the path to kernel sources with KSRC=<path> argument to make
make[1]: *** [prereq_check] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 'root/ndiswrapper-1.2/driver'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
I have looked in the kernel source directory it asked for and it was there. I have also tried using different versions of ndiswrapper, and have installed all kernel rpms that i could find on the discs. noe of this has seemed to help. i hdave heard that i need a different version of gcc, but i'm not sure how to check which version i have or where to fing the version i need.