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Old 10-10-2006, 02:19 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Australia
Distribution: Fedora 13 + Ubuntu
Posts: 49

Rep: Reputation: 15
Mysql dead in FC5

Using ADD/REMOVE SOFTWARE under 'Applications' I have installed the latest version of a MYSQL server to Fedora Core 5.

When I go to start the service to configure, either in the System-server settings GUI or using a terminal ( using a /sbin/service mysql start command ) it fails.

The GUI reports "mysql dead but subys locked"

I have removed and reinstalled in the belief that I had downloaded a corrupt file but the 'failed' message continues.
Old 10-11-2006, 04:07 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2005
Location: Worcestershire,UK
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As far as your command line exploits go , do you mean "/sbin/service mysqld" i.e you have missed the 'd' from mysqld?
Old 10-13-2006, 09:03 AM   #3
Registered: Apr 2006
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Originally Posted by babysparrow
As far as your command line exploits go , do you mean "/sbin/service mysqld" i.e you have missed the 'd' from mysqld?
'twere a typo, there was a d for the command

for example

[root@usaidwot]# /sbin/service mysqld start
Timeout error occurred trying to start MySQL Daemon.
Starting MySQL:
Old 10-13-2006, 07:55 PM   #4
Registered: Nov 2005
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Can you see any errors in
If so , can you paste them here.
Old 10-14-2006, 06:24 AM   #5
Registered: Apr 2006
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061013 22:58:53 mysqld started
061013 22:58:53 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table '' doesn't exist
061013 22:58:53 mysqld ended

061014 12:10:44 mysqld started
061014 12:10:45 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table '' doesn't exist
061014 12:10:45 mysqld ended
Old 10-14-2006, 06:46 AM   #6
Registered: Nov 2005
Location: Worcestershire,UK
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OK back to basics.

1. Let's check to see if it's actually running first. Type
ps -ef | grep mysqld
If it is then you should be able to connect to it in a very crude fashion by typing
telnet localhost 3306
then you need to stop it. Type
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld stop
You need to be root to stop it. If you get an error here then you need to paste it back to this thread.

2. Now that we know it's not running (hopefully), you should try to start it (as root) with
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld start
This will presumably give you the error from before.
061013 22:58:53 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table '' doesn't exist
I don't know much about your mysql installation - except for the fact that you have re-installed it. A standard install will place your important mysql database file here :
This is where you should find yours - unless you have altered the config in some way.

In this directory you should see (amongst all the other files) this :
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 9416 Oct 9 20:53 host.frm
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 390 Oct 9 22:02 host.MYD
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 3072 Oct 9 22:42 host.MYI
If you do not then this is the source (by the looks of things) of your problems.

Have you moved the database files? Or have you changed the config to make mysql think it's files are somewhere else?

Good Luck.
Old 10-14-2006, 07:06 AM   #7
Registered: Nov 2005
Location: Worcestershire,UK
Distribution: Used nearly all but now just using Lubuntu 18.04lts and 20.04 lts
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Sorry, forgot to mention that your mysql configuration file should be here /etc/my.cnf

The section of interest to yourself is

Old 10-14-2006, 07:22 AM   #8
LQ Guru
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I searched for your error message in the mysql manual
(locate manual.pdf | grep mysql
/usr/share/doc/packages/mysql/manual.pdf), however that particular error is only mentioned in the windows installation. The problem is when mysql is installed to the wrong location. This shouldn't be the case here however. The file is used for database level privileges. Perhaps this procedure on page 94 of the manual may help:
6. If you haven't installed MySQL before, you must create the MySQL grant tables:
shell> scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
Installing MySQL

If you run the command as root, you should use the --user option as shown. The value of the
option should be the name of the login account that you created in the first step to use for running
the server. If you run the command while logged in as that user, you can omit the --user option.
Note that for MySQL versions older than 3.22.10, mysql_install_db left the server running
after creating the grant tables. This is no longer true; you need to restart the server after performing
the remaining steps in this procedure.
This will create the grant tables. Be sure to look for the manual. The section titled "Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts" is very important.
Old 10-17-2006, 09:21 AM   #9
Registered: Apr 2006
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# /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld start
Timeout error occurred trying to start MySQL Daemon.
Starting MySQL: [FAILED]
Old 10-17-2006, 09:33 AM   #10
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# mysql_install_db --user=mysql
Installing all prepared tables
let's see if we're squirelling
Old 10-17-2006, 09:37 AM   #11
Registered: Apr 2006
Location: Australia
Distribution: Fedora 13 + Ubuntu
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]# /sbin/service mysqld restart
Stopping MySQL: [ OK ]
Starting MySQL: [ OK ]
Thanks all


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