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Old 07-30-2006, 11:52 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2006
Posts: 16

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maximizing video size to full screen in mplayer

I am facing the following problems:

1- I have installed the mplayer and working fine. When i maximize to full screen the video size is still small and its at the centre of the screen. It's playing fine and theres no lost of frame.

2- I have also installed xine. Working fine and maximizing the video size to full screen as well but the problem is the video is not smooth and its having a jerk after every 2 sec's in the full screen. On the small screen its playing fine like mplayer. I have read the faq but still no result.

3- I am a dial-up user and i have conexant modem. I have installed a driver from and working fine but its connecting on 14bps and when i pay them it will work on 56bps. Is there any alternative available that my modem work on 56bps?

I would be very pleased if anyone of you answer any of the above question. Thanx in Advance.

Hope to hear!
Old 07-31-2006, 05:17 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2001
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1 - you are using the x11 video output, either use a better one like xv or add the -zoom option to the command you run

2 - probably not using xvideo output again... large screen updates on non-optimized outputs would explain this

3 - nothign to do with mplayer... should be a seperate thread.


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