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Old 07-31-2004, 04:51 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2004
Location: Chino HIlls, CA 91709
Distribution: Suse Personal 9.1
Posts: 13

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Unhappy "Is worth to install Fedora core 2 on top of Suse 9.0?"

"Installing Fedora C2 over SUSE 9.0"

I have Suse 9.0 on a single boot Intel P4 2.3GHz CPU. Suse runs fine after long hours of configuration. But I still have several issues:
Suse does not remember the video card configuration (nVidia geForce 440 mx). I have to press Ctrl Alt Backspace every time I reboot.
I have a Belkin F5D7000 wireless PCI card that I spent many hours working on it and no luck. I suppose I have to install some WinXP driver (ndiswrapper) to get it to work.
I have finally got my wireless printserver working, but I spent hours and hours on it.
So I wonder if it is worth to install Fedora core 2 on top of Suse 9.0?
I would appreciate any feedback.


Old 07-31-2004, 09:20 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2004
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Why not keep your existing distro, and install another one alongside... then if you don't like it, or it doesn't work, you haven't lost anything. All you need is a spare partition with a few gigabytes, and you can share certain partitions between the two, swap partition and /home for example, so its easy to just reboot into the other one and all your files are still accessible.
Old 08-03-2004, 04:56 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Location: Chino HIlls, CA 91709
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Fedora core 2 on top of Suse 9.0


Good suggestion, thank you.
I have 40 gig HD so there is plenty of space.
I wonder how can I install Fedora along side of SuSE?
Do you know how to do it?

Thank you,

Old 08-03-2004, 06:25 PM   #4
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Denmark
Distribution: Gentoo, Slackware
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The two distros must each have a partition for themself, so if you don't have any unpartitioned space on your drive, or you must delete (or resize - how??) a partition. If you have two harddrives, then you can install one distro on each drive.

fdisk -l and df will help you find free space. The distro installer will be able to install into the free space, leaving your old distro intact (follow the installation instructions carefully to be sure not to accidentally overwrite it). Hopefully it will also create a boot menu for you with both your distros, but if it does not, this can be setup manually later.

Oh... and backup important data before you start, just in case.
Old 08-04-2004, 10:57 AM   #5
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Yeah, don't install over SUSE. Not a good idea. You can ofcourse have the two linux distros coexist.

Like Muzzy said, you need seperate partitions for both distributions but you can use the same swap space. That is, you have already created swap for suse and you don't need to create another for fedora.

You can use one swap for as many distributions as you wish.
Old 08-04-2004, 01:41 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2004
Location: Chino HIlls, CA 91709
Distribution: Suse Personal 9.1
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Muzzy and LinuxLala,

Thank you for your input.
I will see if I can partition the HD for Fedora and if I find it too difficult I will install another HD on the system.

Thank you again.

Mark JC

PS: Linux looks like is coming out of incubation. I see major PC makers offering Laptops with Linux already installed


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