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Fedora This forum is for the discussion of the Fedora Project.


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Old 04-23-2007, 05:18 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2004
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Is Fedora really useful

I am using Fedora 6 and I am quite disenchanted with
it. I have a few questions:

a. Why are the HOWTOs not being updated? and will
Fedora be supported thru the traditional HOWTOs or

b. Why can't I install packages from the CDs thru the
menu item. I think, currently menu item for
adding/removing applications only uses "yum" which
starts looking on the Internet for updates and wastes
valueable time. I am not interested in updates, i am
simply interested in adding a new package. But no
menu item handles that. So, I go to the good old
command line.

c. Why are there so many updates? Fedora is becoming
worse than Windows? If there are so many updates, how
can you make your system running and stable. It takes
hours to download updates. And all the time, one is
scared whether they are genuine updates or just hoax
and spyware.

Frankly, I am missing the good old days of Redhat. I
wish Fedora should not have come.

Old 04-23-2007, 05:22 AM   #2
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a. no idea, we aren't fedora. ask them i guess.

b. sure it's possible, but never tried it myself. i know it doesn't by default. people have asked this before on this site, have you searched for those threads?

c. because firstly fedora is a testing distro, designed to make redhat's mistakes for them. it is for testing, that's the whole point of it. secondly "fedora" contains about 10 times as much software as "windows" as you're including graphics programs, text editors, games and all sorts of stuff not ever considered to be part of "windows" at all. would you blame M$ if your favourite game had an update released to it? of course not...
Old 04-23-2007, 06:22 AM   #3
Registered: Apr 2007
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RE:Is Fedora really useful

I suppose you could start up httpd and put a symlink in the html directory pointing at your mounted FC6 disk, and then add as a repository for FC6 (and maybe remove the other repositories, so your "repository" is the only one) then just yum install all the packages you want. Edit your /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory by renaming it /etc/yum.repos.d.old/ and then mkdir /etc/yum.repos.d and then make a new texy file in /etc/yum.repos.d/local-server.repo and put in it this line

name=Fedora CD

That should work... You may need to play around with the first line a little to get it working, see how you go

Last edited by mechdave; 04-23-2007 at 06:32 AM.
Old 04-23-2007, 11:35 AM   #4
Registered: Jan 2006
Distribution: Debian Testing
Posts: 675

Rep: Reputation: 58
a. There are plenty of fedora howtos out there that are being constantly updated. Not only that but I have never seen so much live support available in any other distro.

b. That is very possible and easy to do. Search google. Altho you might want to just install the things u need from yum so u get the most updated version.

c. The reason you probably have so many updates is because your installing thing you will never and probably have yet used. Frankly, if I had a distro that wasn't recieving updates then I'd be quite worried. If you keep your system updated to begin with then it wont take hours to update. I'm on cable and last night I did a 58 package update in under 2 minutes. If your on dial-up there is another reason. Also, if you have the 'devel' repo enabled then you will get all the testing updates. Not only that but if u have installed 'livna', 'fresh', or 'atrpms' you are going to get a bunch of updates that normal fc6 users don't have.


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