Installation of RTLinux on Fedora Core 1
I have install Fedora Core 1 in my machine. I have also download the rtlinux kernel rtlinux 3.0 from fsmlabs and a new linux kernel 2.6.6 from While install the rtlinux kernel i get problem, the following procedure i get from the net and used by me.
# su -
# cd /usr/src
# mkdir rtlinux
# cd rtlinux
# tar -jxvf /path/to/linux-2.6.6.tar.bz2
# tar -jxvf /path/to/rtlinux-3.0.tar.bz2
# ln -s linux-2.6.6 linux
# cd linux
# make menuconf
Remember to select the correct CPU. And turn off "Set version information on all module symbols", under "Loadable module support". Compile the kernel using this command:
# make dep ; make bzImage ; make modules ; make modules_install ; make install
Check lilo / grub configuration, and reboot to the new kernel. Then continue to install RTLinux
Upto time it works fine and after reboot the machine it show a new menu of newly install kernel and boot properly. But the rest of the step
# cd /usr/src/rtlinux/rtlinux-3.0/
# ln -sf /usr/usr/rtlinux/linux-2.4.20 linux
# make menuconfig
Upto this point ok.
# make dep ; make ; make devices ; make install
But while executing the command make devices it show ** No rule to apply - Stop **
Can you suggest me can i do the right procedure or not, and is there any other free rtlinux kernel available which i can try on Fedora Core 1.