I'm having shutdoen problems in Core6 whenever I run wine version 0.9.29.fc6, (as previously posted here
http://www.linuxquestions.org/questi...d.php?t=523437 ).
I also have core4 on this machine with no similar problem running wine 0.9.27.fc4.
Thought I'd see what happens if I uninstall 0.9.29.fc6 and reinstall the core4 version.
yum comes up with this missing dependency.
Error: Missing Dependency: /usr/X11R6/bin/xmessage is needed by package wine-core.
however I've copied xmessage to /usr/X11R6/bin from FC4.
[mike@core6 ~]$ cd /usr/X11R6/bin
[mike@core6 bin]$ ls
mkfontdir mkfontscale xmessage
so how do I convince yum the dependency isn't missing???