How do I upgrade the kernel from recovery mode?
I've gotten my system booting off my new SATA HD on an Intel ICH5 controller under Mandrake 9.2 and SuSE 8, but have been unable to get it running for Fedora 1. It installs Fedora fine, but when I go to boot the freshly installed OS, it kernel panics, or hangs on something with ATAPI/IDE depending on which of the 2 default kernels (normal and SMP) I boot too.
I'm assuming I just need to upgrade to a later 2.4, or possibly even the 2.6 kernel, however I'm having problems figuring out how to get a new kernel onto the system. I've been booting off the install CD and going into recovery mode, but RPM just throws errors when I try to use it to install one of the new ones in RPM form.
Should I try and build a kernel on my other Fedora box and then move it to my SATA one? Any other suggestions for getting Fedora up and running on an Intel ICH5 SATA controller?