Originally Posted by trashbird1240
First of all, not as huge as it seems: this looks like an fstab problem and your system is probably fine -- it just won't boot -- meaning that your data is probably safe.
If YOu're getting that error, then the drive may just fail to appear to the system. Are you sure you have the modules loaded to mount that drive? What kind of drive is it (SATA, USB)?
Have you tried examining this under a LiveCD such as Knoppix? Do you have a rescue disk of some kind?
The answer is that I don't have a rescue disk of any sort... (other than a FC6 DVD)
Ok, now for the complete story:
I'm running this FC6 machine on an VMware ESX 3.0.1 server attached to a Fiber Channel SAN.
So, there is a separate 2TB SAN that has multiple LUNs. One of the LUNs is for ESX itself, and the other LUN is the second drive for this FC6 VM. So the /home mount is dedicated to this second LUN off the SAN.
As far as FC6 is concerned, it's got two SCSI hard drives. The first contains the / and the other is the /home.
I've no idea currently as to why it's not seeing the second drive.
I looks like FC6 does not actually see the second drive at this moment. As in it doesn't exist anymore...
VMware ESX shows it as there and given to the FC6 machine, but under FC6 the sdb seems to not be detected?!?!