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Old 11-25-2004, 11:08 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2003
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Hauppauge 250 w/ IVTV not recording sound

I've got my Hauppauge PVR 250 setup on FC3 with IVTV, and it is recording video fine. But it doesn't seem to be recording the sound.

The sound on the computer works, I can play any audio fine. But, anything recording from the Hauppauge has no sound. I've checked and msp3400 is loaded.

I installed IVTV from atrpm repository using the at-stable branch. I looked around on their mailing list and there seemed to be some discussion of a bad msp3400 file, but I didn't find any resolution.

Also, I read a forum somewhere which said that ALSA mixer controls the sound input from the card. Is this true? I'm using the coax in, so it didn't sound possible to me, and I found nothing that looked appropriate in alsamixer.


Old 12-06-2004, 10:09 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2004
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I'm trying to get the same thing working but I can't get the rpm working....I have a 64bit proc so that is the only diff. What rpm did you use?

Old 12-14-2004, 07:04 AM   #3
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Easton, PA
Distribution: Debian, Kubuntu, Arch
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I've put together a dedicated MythTV box after getting it to work on my old machine. I'm having audio issues as well. I think it has to do with the general audio issues people have been reporting with Fedora 3. For some reason mplayer doesn't work under root at all but works as a regular user without sound:
mplayer /dev/video0

Usually it's the other way around. I wonder if this is a permissions issue with /dev/dsp? The other night (very late) I was fiddling and actually got mplayer to work with sound. I need to fiddle to get this working. I wonder if Jarrod Wilson has had the same issues. I'll send him an email and see if he responds. I'll post my updates.
Old 12-14-2004, 08:07 AM   #4
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Easton, PA
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Re: Hauppauge 250 w/ IVTV not recording sound

Originally posted by johnnabn
The sound on the computer works, I can play any audio fine. But, anything recording from the Hauppauge has no sound. I've checked and msp3400 is loaded.

I installed IVTV from atrpm repository using the at-stable branch. I looked around on their mailing list and there seemed to be some discussion of a bad msp3400 file, but I didn't find any resolution.
I saw this post from the ivtv mailing list:

>>If I were to guess at what caused the loss of sound to
mplayer I would guess it was moving the file msp3400.ko.

Only if playing a DVD or other video file works. If mplayer doesn't output audio with any media type, it isn't the msp3400. The msp3400 only affects audio recorded from the PVR-350 card (and other ivtv cards obviously).

I have system audio, CDs & DVD play fine. This sounds like there might be two versions of msp3400 which are conflicting. When I did the initial install of the ivtv driver it worked. On the next bootup it didn't work. I wonder if I can replicate it again by removing the ivtv driver and reinstalling? If that's the case it might be as simple as renaming the ivtv version of msp3400 and using that version in modules.conf. I'll try tonight after work. I'll let you know how it goes.

Setting up ivtv & mythtv was pretty painless under Fedora2 (w/Jarods guide). The only issue I had was cd/burning because of the 2.6.8 kernel bug. Otherwise it worked great.

A couple of other points to check:
check permissions on /dev/video0

I saw this from Jarod on the ivtv mailing list:
This has been covered on the list a fair amount lately, but I'll summarize:

There have been attempts to merge the v4l msp3400 and ivtv msp3400 modules. They haven't been entirely successful just yet. Axel's ivtv packages come w/a msp3400-ivtv module, which you can use instead. I believe the easiest way to get it used that I've seen is to add a line to modprobe.conf of "alias msp3400 msp3400-ivtv". Remove your current msp3400, then modprobe it after adding that line, and you should be okay.

Jarod C. Wilson, RHCE

Also check out this link regarding msp3400 conflicts:

Last edited by Nigel_Tufnel; 12-14-2004 at 01:06 PM.
Old 12-15-2004, 06:55 AM   #5
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Easton, PA
Distribution: Debian, Kubuntu, Arch
Posts: 116

Rep: Reputation: 15
Well the problem was fixed by this from Jarod's Fedora How-To:

If you don't have any sound, it is possible that the correct msp3400 module didn't get loaded for one reason or another. To remedy that situation, follow these steps:

# /sbin/rmmod ivtv
# cd /lib/modules/$MYKERNEL/kernel/drivers/media/video
# mv msp3400.ko msp3400.ko.orig
Then reload the driver yet again, and try the video capture one more time:

# /sbin/depmod -a
# /sbin/modprobe ivtv
# cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/test_capture.mpg
# mplayer /tmp/test_capture.mpg

This is what happens when you do an install/setup at 3:30 AM! Anyway I have a couple of other issues. The ivtv drivers are not loading up at bootup automatically. Also the playback is slowing down after playing a couple of minutes but then returns to normal. Mplayer is kicking warning message about a slow cpu and running with different audio drivers. I'm using alsa. Now it's not the cpu since I had ivtv/mythtv running like a champ with a 800mhz processor in a fedora2 install. I have a feeling its a permission thing or the driver itself. This is a newer version of the ivtv driver. At least I'm making progress


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