grub-install takes too long
Hi there,
I want to write grub on MBR after Windows ans Solaris istallation but it takes extremely long. Any ideea? Before (RedHat 8) grub-install took only a few seconds. Now I have to wait 10-15 seconds for the commnad to finish.
What I did:
1) Boot with the fc4 rescue cd
2) chroot /mnt/sysimage (after the rescue environment recognized the installation)
3) grub-install /dev/hda
4) Wait, wait and wait. After 10-15 minutes it finishes without error and everything works as expected.
Any Ideea?
P.S. I have 6 box. On 5 of them it takes a long time to finish but on one station is needs only 10-15 seconds. Could it be a bug in grub-install or I do something wrong?