Fedora on a Slacker PC
I'm not a professional. I've found linux 3 years ago and my first beloved distro was a Red Hat 9. In the meantime, after having tried some distributions I have come to use Slackware. As for me it is the only OS where everything expected to be available and to work would work. Some days ago I decided to install on my computer (I have enough partitions) another distro, preferably with a different approach and my choice has been Fedora 6, so here it is. I'd like to use Fedora properly (When in Rome do as Rome does). As to connect the computer to Internet I installed rp-pppoe.3.8, used #vi etc/ppp/pap-secrets and vi /etc/ppp/pppoe-conf, I suppose that I'm not doing so. (no success with 3.5 coming with Fedora). So I'am asking for some advice as to how to view my new distro. Of course a lot a things may be told, but some focused words are sure to make me "move" faster.
Last edited by cflorentin; 04-04-2007 at 03:53 PM.