I got several error messages while trying to install Fedora Core 1. I wanted to try Fedora. For over a year, I have used Red Hat 9 as my main OS which is installed on my second harddrive. I have two 160 GB Maxstor DiamondMax Plus harddrives, so finding room for Fedora was not a problem. I left my two copies of Red Hat 9 installed.
I inserted the Fedora Core 1 installation CD and saw what looked like the same familiar installation program I had used with Red Hat 7.3, Red Hat 8.0 and Red Hat 9. Before long I received my first error message.
This is the error message:
"Invalid partition table on /dev/hdb -wrong signature 0
I was surprised that it was complaining about hdb because my two copies of Red Hat 9 are installed on that drive. I pressed cancel and the installation program continued. I then chose the Custom Install option and Disk Druid. Then I received this next long error message:
The partition table on drive hdb was unreadable. To create new partitions it must be initialized, causing the loss of ALL DATA on this drive. This operation will override any previous installation choices about which drives to ignore. Would you like to initialize this drive, erasing ALL DATA?
I clicked on "No". I did not want to lose my two working copies of Red Hat 9. Disk Druid then showed me what was on my other hard drive which is hda. I hoped that it could at least handle my first harddrive. I choose to reformat 3 empty unused partitions on hda as ext3 partitions. I used hda3 as my "/" partiton. It is an 8 GB primary partition. I chose 3 logical partitions on hda for /home, /usr, and swap. I also chose to have grub installed on the first sector of my boot partion instead of using the MBR. I have always done it that way because Partition Magic uses the MBR. I then received this error message:
An error occured when attempting to load an installer inferface component.
className = FirewallWindow
At that point I attempted to stop the installation and then spotted this error message among other messages in a black text mode screen:
Cannot import name Firewall Window
My main copy of Red Hat 9 is still working
and I am using it at the moment. Here is a list of some of my hardware:
Soyo KT400 Dragon Ultra Platinum Plus
VIA KT400 chipset
AMD Athlon XP 2600+ with 333 MHz bus
1 GB of Mushkin PC 3200 DDR RAM (running at the 333 MHz PC 2700 speed)
Two 160 GB Maxtor Diamond Max Plus Ultra ATA harddrives on IDE 1 and IDE 2
Phoenix Award BIOS K7VX4-2AA3
430 Watt ATX power supply
PNI Verto GeForce2 MX 400 AGP video card with 64 MB SDRAM
Two DVD-ROM / CD-RWs connected to IDE 3 and IDE 4
There is no brand name for this computer because I put it together myself from misc parts over a year ago. I am not a technician. I tried installing Fedora twice, once with the onboard IDE RAID enabled from the BIOS and once with it disabled. There is nothing connected to IDE 5, IDE 6, IDE 7, and IDE 8 which all 4 can be used for RAID. I mention that detail because in the past Red Hat 9 was the only distro that could be installed when they were enabled. Does anyone have any suggestions?