No, you're ok, you just have to install a new kernel module (doesn't that sound geeky?) You know how nature abhors a vacuum? Linux abhors windows!
It's actually pretty easy. Step by step instructions and all the links you need for NTFS tricks can be found at
The NTFS Project
As for how to shut down X to install your driver - hit CTRL-ALT-F2 (not yet!) to leave the X window system. This will take you to a virtual console. Login there, and type
and continue with the installation process. When you're done, if you get shot back to a text login type [CODE]init 5[/init]
There is a really good guide to a lot of things regarding FC3 at the
Personal Fedora Core 3 Installation Guide and I pulled a lot of info off of there.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any more questions.