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Old 01-20-2007, 08:59 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 15

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Unhappy Fdora6/ Toshiba A15 , Blank screen when startx

Hi All:

I have a Toshiba Laptop A15-129 with an Intel video card 82852/855GM , 160G Seagate disk, 740M RAM.

I used Gparted live cd to partition the disk with 3 partition. I can see the gparted graphics just fine.

I repartitioned the disk, installed Grub on the first partition, XP on the second partition and Fedora 6 on the third. (Xp comes up just fine.)

I did a "Yum Update" after I bring up the kernel(fedora6) to get the latest updates.

I reboot, bring up fedora 6 at runlevel 3 and type startx; I get a blank screen and no ctrl-Alt_backspace or anything else can not shut down the Xserver and I have to do a Hard boot.

My /etc/X11/xorg.conf has the following.

Section "Device"
Identifier "videocard0"
Driver "i810"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
DefaultDepth 8
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 8
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 16
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

I do not see any obvious errors in the Xserver log /var/log/Xorg.0.log
I have seen many suggestions on th net but none seem to work.

Last edited by volekvolek; 01-22-2007 at 04:11 AM.
Old 01-21-2007, 03:31 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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If you installed windows after linux then windows will have trashed grub. What are you using as a boot mgr? Can you boot successfully into Linux?

If you are able to boot into Linux CLI and just can't get X to work then xorg is not configured correctly.

You say that you used Yum so you must be using Fedora.
Save the xorg.conf that you now have to a safe place then run as root
Answer the questions with the correct values. Run it several times perhaps lowering the resolution and depth until you get X running.

When you get X going save that copy of xorg.conf and then tweek xorg it until you get what you want. You can always overwrite it with the saved copy if you mess it up. If you saved a good xorg in your /home/<user> then as root
cp /home/<user>/xorg.conf /Xll/xorg.conf
substitute your own parameters
Old 01-22-2007, 11:34 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Maybe I was not clear in my original posts , I have no problem with Grub< Grub is just fine, as I do see Grub screen and I can selct which operating system I can boot to.
I have XP and Fedora 6 installed so far and I can boot to Xp just fine. I can also boot to Fedroa 6 boot level 3 just fine. I think the problem is with the Xserver.

I did a search for xorgconfig or system_display_config on the fedora 6 install, and I do not see either one.

So what I did was take the /etc/X11/xorg.config from my Fedora 5 install which is working perfectly and moved it to Fedora 6, Same file , same machine I get a complete blank screen on startx as If the display lost its power.

MY Kernel is Fedora 6 Core 2.6.19-1.2895.fc6xen

Old 01-24-2007, 10:28 PM   #4
Registered: Jun 2003
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Try changing

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
DefaultDepth 8
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 8
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 16
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor0"
VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
ModelName    "LCD Panel 800x600"
HorizSync    31.5 - 67.0
VertRefresh  50.0 - 75.0

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
DefaultDepth 8
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 8
Modes "800x600" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 16
Modes "800x600" "640x480"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
Modes "800x600" "640x480"
See if it will work with those settings. If it does, its at least a start. Then you can play at adding bigger resolutions to the Modes settings.

If that doesnt help, try changing the videocard driver from "i810" to one of the following: "vesa" or "vga"

Last edited by v00d00101; 01-24-2007 at 10:38 PM.
Old 01-25-2007, 04:03 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
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Smile Fedora6 Intel 852 Chipset start x blank screen

Hi V00 and others:

Thanks for your replies. Actually I did just found the problem is the i810 driver within the new Xserver. After waisting 2 weeks on this issue, I came across a post suggesting the same thing as you "to change driver to 'vesa' or 'vga'.

I changed it to "vesa" and now the GUI comes up.

I have not had time to follow up and see what was changed on the new Xserver which makes it not work properly with the i810 driver, as the same driver used to work for me on Fedora 5.

The fact that we have so many Linux distribution, does not help the community to make the platforms more stable. Regardless of all the arguments for different camps, at the end of the day to beat the Microsoft one needs to deliver a stable and error free software to a new user. And this sort of things are an example of it.

And now to the next bug in a new installed Fedora 6 "Package Manager crashes on start up"

Thanks again all.


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