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Old 01-11-2007, 08:22 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: Kurdistan
Distribution: FC6
Posts: 7

Rep: Reputation: 0
FC6 is shutting down suddenly

My laptop(ACER Aspire 1804WSMI) sometimes is shutting down suddenly.
i dont understand it's reason.

It is dmesg output last bootup after the shutting down.
@localhost ~]$ dmesg | tail
SELinux: initialized (dev autofs, type autofs), uses genfs_contexts
SELinux: initialized (dev autofs, type autofs), uses genfs_contexts
audit(1168520365.259:4): avc: denied { search } for pid=2375 comm="clamd" nam e="sys" dev=proc ino=-268435429 scontext=system_u : system_r: clamd_t: s0 tcontext=s ystem_ubject_r:sysctl_t:s0 tclass=dir
audit(1168520365.263:5): avc: denied { read } for pid=2375 comm="clamd" name= "clamav" dev=dm-0 ino=2196674 scontext=system_u : system_r: clamd_t:s0 tcontext=sys tem_ubject_r:var_t:s0 tclass=dir
mtrr: 0xd0000000,0x8000000 overlaps existing 0xd0000000,0x4000000
mtrr: 0xd0000000,0x8000000 overlaps existing 0xd0000000,0x4000000
mtrr: 0xd0000000,0x8000000 overlaps existing 0xd0000000,0x4000000
[drm] Setting GART location based on new memory map
[drm] Loading R300 Microcode
[drm] writeback test succeeded in 1 usecs

Last edited by rapix; 01-11-2007 at 08:24 AM.
Old 01-11-2007, 11:34 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Dec 2005
Location: Indiana
Distribution: RHEL/CentOS/SL 5 i386 and x86_64 pata for IDE in use
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The 'dmesg | tail' output is not enough to information to go on. But you might have some memory that is going or is bad, check by running memtest from the installation media. Could be CPU temperature related also, when was the last time you clean the air intakes on the laptop??? Check for a BIOS update, maybe the BIOS is in need of an update to fix a bug or issue.
Old 01-12-2007, 06:43 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: Kurdistan
Distribution: FC6
Posts: 7

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In genarally, after the first boot it works several minute and shut down suddenly. After the second boot there is no problem.
It's new and i clean air intakes every mount.
i don't know about memtest. How can i make it??
thanks a lots

Last edited by rapix; 01-12-2007 at 06:46 AM.
Old 01-12-2007, 07:20 AM   #4
Senior Member
Registered: Dec 2005
Location: Indiana
Distribution: RHEL/CentOS/SL 5 i386 and x86_64 pata for IDE in use
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Rep: Reputation: 58
Sounds like something is not quite right, maybe it is software or hardware related, I'm not sure.

The air intakes are for the laptop/CPU cooling (air flow and fans), nothing what so ever to do with mounting. Since the laptop is new then this should not be a problem.

The memtest can be started from the installation menu on the first Fedora CD or on the DVD, boot the laptop with the installation media and when the menu screen is displayed at the boot: prompt type; memtest86

This will run ten test and takes some time to complete, if you get any errors then have the system serviced under warranty.
Old 01-12-2007, 02:03 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: Kurdistan
Distribution: FC6
Posts: 7

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Rep: Reputation: 0
i have made memtest and i did not get any errors.
it gives the same sound as the computer when it is shutting down by power button.
i don't think that it have any hardware problem. Because it works well under the win.
before fc6; fc5 was working well too..

Last edited by rapix; 01-12-2007 at 02:28 PM.
Old 01-12-2007, 03:12 PM   #6
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Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Olympia, WA, USA
Distribution: Fedora, (K)Ubuntu
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dmesg only shows you messages generated during and after your last boot, most of them read from /var/log/messages and filtered by date ant time.

What you need to do is look at /var/log/messages for errors and warnings when you reboot after a failure. For example:
sudo cat /var/log/messages | gawk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1;}/error/{print;};/warning/{print;}'
will print all errors and warnings in your message file.

Most of such errors and warnings are of no importance, but you may get a clue by looking at them.

If you're interested, here's a few lines of what I get on my system, none of any significance:
$ sudo cat /var/log/messages | gawk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1;}/error/{print;};/warning/{print;}' | tail
Jan 11 17:32:57 localhost nmbd[1766]: Error was Cannot assign requested address
Jan 11 17:32:57 localhost nmbd[1766]:   ERROR: Failed when creating subnet lists. Exiting.
Jan 11 20:33:41 localhost NetworkManager: <WARNING>      nm_signal_handler (): Caught signal 15, shutting down normally.
Jan 12 05:31:43 localhost nmbd[1768]:   Error = Cannot assign requested address
Jan 12 05:31:45 localhost nmbd[1768]: Error was Cannot assign requested address
Jan 12 05:31:46 localhost nmbd[1768]:   ERROR: Failed when creating subnet lists. Exiting.
Jan 12 07:18:59 localhost NetworkManager: <WARNING>      nm_signal_handler (): Caught signal 15, shutting down normally.
Jan 12 12:20:11 localhost nmbd[1760]:   Error = Cannot assign requested address
Jan 12 12:20:13 localhost nmbd[1760]: Error was Cannot assign requested address
Jan 12 12:20:13 localhost nmbd[1760]:   ERROR: Failed when creating subnet lists. Exiting.
(Actually, of some significance - the samba nmb service is failing to start because of a configuration error. But I'm not using samba now, so it can wait. And the NetworkManager message is from a normal shutdown of my laptop.)

Last edited by PTrenholme; 01-12-2007 at 03:15 PM.


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