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01-15-2007, 08:22 PM
LQ Newbie
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Posts: 12
FC6: In Rescue mode, how can i copy file to either external USB or to XP share drive?
Hi guys,
I am newbie with linux so please bear with me ><
I booted up in rescue mode in Fedora 6 and wish to copy the boot.lnx file to either my USB or to a WinXP share drive created (D: 2GB FAT32) using partition magic @ XP?
The reason I need to transfer this file to windows C:\ is because i need it to dual boot XP and FC6 on my laptop.
Is anyone know how to accomplish this task?
01-16-2007, 01:41 AM
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: India
Distribution: Redhat,Fedora,DSL,Ubuntu
Posts: 238
type fdisk -l
u will be shown the list of partitions
in the result find ur d most probably hda2 or hda5,sd series for sata)
make a temporary folder in /mnt/ using mkdir command
then mount d: on the newly created folder
mount -t vfat /dev/hda5 /mnt/d_drive
then use cp command to copy ur file.
The same procedure is for ur usb too.
since it is scsi, it may be detected as sda1
01-16-2007, 03:38 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 12
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Thank you so much!
Thanks Tom!!
It worked like magic! Its wonderful!!! But do I need to do this everytime even I am in KDE or Gnome? Your my savior Tom!! Thank you once again!!
01-16-2007, 07:26 AM
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: India
Distribution: Redhat,Fedora,DSL,Ubuntu
Posts: 238
put an entry in /etc/fstab like
devicename mount folder fstype options dump fscheck
/dev/sda1 /mnt/empty_sda1 vfat rw,defaults,umask=0000 0 0
In the above command umask=000 ,makes the drive writable by all.u can change as per ur permission need.
Now u can find the drive inside gnome and kde browsers under the mounted directory.
It is persistent across reboot.(i.e)loaded evertime the system boots.
rm -f /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/99-redhat-storage-policy-fixed-drives.fdi
so that u will have drives loaded by gnome itself.
Nirmal Tom.
01-16-2007, 06:32 PM
LQ Newbie
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Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Omg tom ><
Omg my dear tom~~
I've successfully setup dual boot for XP & FC6, but I can't get back to the console as the sessions provided at login only for gnome, last session, failmode, and system session, which all don't lead to the shell console.... What should I do!? I need your magical guide again~~
Best Regard and Thanks again~
01-16-2007, 06:42 PM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 12
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Dear Tom,
I've got into the service console now, but I can't find the etc/stab directory ...
Do you think u can help me the steps of doing this again? Should I start over by mounting the drive on again like: (The share drive is sda5)
mount -t vfat /dev/sda5 /mnt/d_drive
cd etc
/dev/sda5 /mnt/empty_sda5 vfat rw,defaults,umask=0000 0 0
rm -f /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/99-redhat-storage-policy-fixed-drives.fdi
Are these the steps that I should use for mount the share drive persistently?
Many Thanks
01-17-2007, 06:01 AM
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: India
Distribution: Redhat,Fedora,DSL,Ubuntu
Posts: 238
Originally Posted by RMS1981
I've successfully setup dual boot for XP & FC6, but I can't get back to the console as the sessions provided at login only for gnome, last session, failmode, and system session, which all don't lead to the shell console.... What should I do!?
press alt+ctrl+fX keys simultaneously
here X may be replaced from 1 to 7
dont understand it,Since linux in a multi user operating system like unix,u can login into the the system any no of times simultaneously
for example if u pres alt+ctrl+f1 u will provided a virtual console, u can use upto alt+ctrl+f6.To return back to graphical mode press alt+ctrl+f7
Originally Posted by RMS1981
I've got into the service console now, but I can't find the etc/stab directory ...
the file name is /etc/fstab not stab
at shell prompt type,
mkdir -p /mnt/emty_sda5
vi /etc/fstab
this opens the file in vi editor,goto thelast line and add the following
/dev/sda5 /mnt/empty_sda5 vfat rw,defaults,umask=0000 0 0
save it.thats all.this is a one time job.
Nirmal Tom.
Last edited by nirmaltom; 01-17-2007 at 06:03 AM.
01-17-2007, 06:36 PM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 12
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Dear Tom,
The methods you provided always work like magic! I must thank you again But I still have some little questions if you dont' mind me to ask since I am working hard to learn FC6 within 2 wks from newbie... ><
I have difficult in detecting and install the proper NIC on my linux. Here is the scenario, I have two computers:
(1)Main Computer (WinXP, DSL connected to Internet)
(2)A hub, connected to both Main Computer & Laptop
(3)Laptop (WinXP, Fedora Core 6, connected to hub via ethernet cable)
The NIC for the laptop that I've identified (via WinXP MyComputer) is:
Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gibabit Ethernet NIC
However, then I try to add a new device in Network configuration in FC, I can only find Realtek RTL8129 (older version) and I cannot active it (either not supported or because I didn't setup the proper port and I don't know how).
I just installed FC6 with full package installation (tick both KDE and GNOME at installation package selection). However, after installation, I've entered as GNOME desktop and cannot find the desktop swticher under System -> more system setting. Did they removed it?
Sorry about the newbie questions, I've tried to solve these problems with all my knowledges and research over google and forums but can't find proper solution. ><
Best Regards
01-18-2007, 09:13 AM
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: India
Distribution: Redhat,Fedora,DSL,Ubuntu
Posts: 238
first,switching between kde & gnome
i dont know why switchdesk coomand is not recognized in fc6.
but i use,
from gnome to kde
in gnome-terminal, type
start kde &
from kde to gnome
select switch user from the main menu
Last edited by nirmaltom; 01-18-2007 at 09:52 AM.
01-18-2007, 10:17 AM
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: India
Distribution: Redhat,Fedora,DSL,Ubuntu
Posts: 238
Networking part:
goto system-->administration-->network,delete all the devices listed and save it
give ifconfig command in terminal and it must show only the entry for loopback device (lo)
type system-config-network-tui in terminal and try to configure the ethernet card by entering addresses.
then give the command
system network restart
if it gets started,no problem then.check ur configuration using ifconfig command
Nirmal Tom.
01-19-2007, 02:59 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 12
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Dear Tom,
I've got a very strange problem here. I can't have access to cmd like fstab nore ifconfig etc, even logged as su. Here is how i access FC6:
(1) Turn on computer and select FC6 to boot.
(2) At login page, select session->gNorm and loggin as rms1981
(3) Once in desktop, use application-accessories-terminal
(4) go to / and logging as su
(5) type 'ifconfig' and it says 'bash: ifconfig: command not found'
(6) type 'whereis ifconfig' and it says 'ifconfig: /sbin/ifconfig'
What should i do?
type system-config-network-tui in terminal and try to configure the ethernet card by entering addresses
Where can i find this address? Can I use WinXP to find out this address?? Sorry I am very bad at networking as well ><
Best Regards!
01-19-2007, 03:19 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 12
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Daer Tom,
Here is the information I can find for my ethernet network adapter:
Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gibabit Ethernet NIC
Location: PCI slot 33 (PCI bus 5, device 0, function 0)
Version: 5.638.1116.2005
Is this the information needed?
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