FC5 yum update errors not in log
I did my first 'yum update' today, a few weeks after a fresh FC5 install. To minimize surprises, I try to read what I can here, google a bit etc. and the update went pretty much as expected.
I did see a few things (all related) that didn't turn up in my earlier reading. Could anyone clarify?
I ran "yum update" in a bash shell. The scrool buffer was too small and I lost "stdout". The output showed a fatal error (related to kernel-smp, grubber and not finding a template???). The reason I'm vague is I can't find this output in the log. I have default settings for yum.conf, so I'm guessing my log level (and errorlevel) are set too low. But since this was "fatal", I would have thought any level would suffice.
So, before I remove the package and try again, I want to ask if I'm looking in the right place. Especially since in this case the rpm is kernel related.
I also noticed that a few config (xxx.conf) files were renamed as part of the update. IIRC, the new .conf was renamed, leaving the running one alone. I'd like to understand what happened and learn from it. But these too are not in the log.
Any help appriciated.