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Old 08-01-2006, 01:16 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2006
Distribution: 2.6.12-1.1381_FC3
Posts: 5

Rep: Reputation: 0
FC5 w/ mobo-based PATA Raid & nrml IDE

I tried to install FC5 and trashed my system's boot. I've fixed it, but want to avoid repeating the problem.

System is Soyo K7V mobo (VIA chipset) w/ single IDE HD w/ 4 pri partitions, and 2 identical PATA hard drives set up as a mirrored (RAID 1) array using the mobo's built-in RAID driver. The first parition of drive 0 is 40GB formatted FAT32 and unused (M. 2nd partition is 110GB NTFS with old unused/unusable WinXP OS and currently used data (C. 3rd partition is only 110MB (leftover from earlier manipulations) and is formatted with ext3 and is unused (hidden - no drive letter). 4th partition is 7GB NTFS swap files (E. Drive 1 is a single partition; RAID array is 80GB NTFS with current WinXP OS and some data. I also have various USB stuff (memsticks, flash drives, vid cam...) filling out the drive letters to L:. The M: drive is the last assigned drive (All drive letters are by WinXP, obviously!) In the process of recovering from the crash I installed Partition Magic's Boot Magic system loader - a windows equivalent to GRUB. It resides on drive M:. Evolutionarily speaking, my system disproves Intelligent Design. Anyhoo...

I want to install FC5 so it dual boots with XP via Grub. I need an expert to offer some advice on how best to have GRUB replace Boot Magic, convert the M: drive to Linux ext3, install Linux on the M: drive, and still boot/run! Allowing Linux to do it automagically the first time didn't work so well... I am moderately familiar w/ Linux (have installed/used RH 3, RH 5, Fedora 3) but remain frustrated with its obtuse (to me) file structure, and have a hard time understanding how to do many tasks if they're not explained in simple terms. I can use Partition Magic if necessary to move/resize/change partitions before installing, except that I want to keep the current WinXP where it is (RAID drive D Thanks much in advance for any help; my dog thanks you too. (He needs to frighten some squirrels and I'm stuck in front of the damn computer...)
Old 08-08-2006, 03:09 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2003
Distribution: Fedora
Posts: 126

Rep: Reputation: 15
From my past experience you have to partition hard drive 0 to have at least 102mb of space at the begining of the drive so grub can reside there. Then format the other drives the way you want them. This can be accoplished by using partition magic if you want to keep your existing windows install.


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