Hi All,
Thought I'd post this just in case anyone else has this problem - took me a while to figure out what was going on, anyway...
At home I have my main PC setup (with FC3) for multiple X logins, so if I am logged in my girlfriend can just press ctrl-alt-F? and get a login of her own which will not effect mine.
A couple of days ago I noticed that if I was already logged in, she did not get any sound.
I though this was interesting because I had:
- Assigned all the audio devices to root:users in /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions
- Both my girlfriend and I are members of users and members of users have rw rights to /dev/[audio devs]
- I have no problem with running multiple applications using sound at the same time
- If my girlfriend was the only person logged in sound was fine, like me above.
Much confusion.
A little experimentation later and I found out that the uid of /dev/dsp was being changed to the first user to log in to X and the gid changed to root when said user logged in, regardless of what I set it to in /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions.
For even more weirdness, if nobody was logged into X, it was set to root:users as how I had set /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions.
After an hour or so of messing around, I discovered that the uid, gid and permissions were being changed by pam, the offending config file being /etc/security/console.perms.
I commented out the neccesary lines like so...
#<sound>=/dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/midi* \
# /dev/mixer* /dev/sequencer \
# /dev/sound/* /dev/beep \
# /dev/snd/*
...and further down...
#<console> 0660 <sound> 0660 root.users
...and everything was fine.
I guess you do learn something everyday.