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trien27 06-11-2010 08:48 PM

FC12: can't use internet in Linux
Can't use Internet all of a sudden. Same IP address, Gateway, etc... as Windows.

Linux --> Can't use Internet
Windows --> Internet OK?!

The Gateway disappears on its own.
The IP address and everything else automatically resets to a blank and doesn't save my settings even though I clicked it to save. Restarting the computer doesn't help either.

It also happened one time where Windows can't get access to Internet and Linux is OK, but resetting the IP does helps.


frankbell 06-11-2010 08:52 PM

What does the ifconfig command return under Linux?

blue_print 06-11-2010 09:02 PM

Give us the following details?

1. What type of IP address you're using? Static or DHCP?
2. what are u getting if you execute 'ifconfig'
3. IP, Subnetmask and gateway info.
4. Content of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

trien27 06-11-2010 10:44 PM

Static IP
ifconfig = eth0 Link encap:Ethernet Hwaddr 00:16:76:51:F1:A0
everything else = 0 or 0.0

eth1 " " : " " 00:18:F8:0E:E9:7D
inet addr: Bcast: -> Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80:218:f8ff:fe0e:e97d/64 -> Scope:Link

Rx packets: 203 errors
Tx packets: 37 errors
txqueuelen: 1000
Rx bytes: 81892 (79.9 KiB)
Tx bytes: 4891 (4.7 KiB)
Interrupt: 21 Base address: 0xc00

lo Link encap:Local loopback
inet addr: Mask:

trien27 06-11-2010 10:55 PM

NAME="System eth0"

trien27 06-11-2010 10:55 PM

Everything else either has a value of "no" or a value of "0" or "0.0", etc...

blue_print 06-12-2010 01:12 AM

Please re-write the file "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" with the following data,

BOOTPROTO = static
#NAME="System eth0"

Then, restart the network service using, "/etc/init.d/network restart".

Even after, Internet fails, please let me know, when you're accessing the Internet through LAN or WLAN?

Also give me the output of route command "route -n".

trien27 06-12-2010 11:16 AM

couldn't start Linux today, after ifconfig, etc... last night?
I don't know if it's relevant or not, but after I checked ifconfig, IP address, IP, Submask, gateway, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 last night, I couldn't start Linux today.

Keeps saying "startup failed, give root password to repair", etc... But I put in the root password, and the system doesn't do a thing? I could only press Ctrl+D to reboot the system. Thanks.

PS Therefore, there's no way for me to make corrections today?

blue_print 06-12-2010 11:52 AM

It seems like a file system error. Are you able to get the console after entering the password? If so, please reboot the machine to perform file system check.

shutdown -rF now

trien27 06-13-2010 09:50 AM

Took off Windows hard drive and put it back and now I could go online in Linux? Weird.

I'll try to reset the computer with the values given me.

trien27 06-13-2010 10:17 AM

I set my Linux box according to what you've told me, and it said failed, and some other program is already using when I tried to shutdown with the code you gave me.

route -n is an empty page.

Now I can't go online in Linux. I use DSL/Lan?

DrLove73 06-13-2010 03:27 PM

Not some other program, other COMPUTER!!!!!.

How many computers are active at the same time with Linux? 2 or more i would say. And you tried to use IP, not as suggested. I guess that is why it failed.

You better explain your entire network, all devices and PC's connected to your switch/router, and router it self.

End please, do not interpret errors, write them EXACTLY as they appear to you, you are confusing people that want to help you.

trien27 06-13-2010 06:04 PM

DrLove73, Why are you so angry? You are having problems with this so don't help me! I don't want your damn help, if this is what you call it. I'm not confusing anyone. I posted whatever is there. Stop being an a-hole if you really are wanting to help people! Just don't reply anymore if you are NOT willing to help me!

"Not some other program, other COMPUTER!!!!!". : You are wrong. The exact words are " is being used by some other program"

"How many computers are active at the same time with Linux? 2 or more i would say": You are wrong again. I can only have one active computer at a time, not two BECAUSE I don't have enough memory or disk space for two NETWORKS, F-head!

"And you tried to use IP, not as suggested. I guess that is why it failed.": You are wrong again. I did try to use, but it still won't connect to the Internet, Dumbass!

"You better explain your entire network, all devices and PC's connected to your switch/router, and router it self.": Are you a fucking communist or are you trying to crack into my computer? I don't have to explain everything, just ones which I was told to post, and I've already done that.

"End please, do not interpret errors, write them EXACTLY as they appear to you, you are confusing people that want to help you.": Do you not fucking speak ENGLISH? Read what I've posted, and stop being a jackass! I'm confusing NO ONE, unless you don't speak ENGLISH! I'm not interpreting anything and I've written exactly what I've seen.

Please excuse my French.

trien27 06-13-2010 06:44 PM

Change BOOTPRONTO= from "none" to "static"
Change IPADDR= to MY specific "IP ADDRESS".
Change UUID= to my original one [the one I copied and later edited to the correct one in the postings.]

Then close and reopen browser.

Problem SOLVED.

Could someone put this in SOLVED?

DrLove73 06-14-2010 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by trien27 (Post 4002543)
Change BOOTPRONTO= from "none" to "static"
Change IPADDR= to MY specific "IP ADDRESS".
Change UUID= to my original one [the one I copied and later edited to the correct one in the postings.]

Then close and reopen browser.

Problem SOLVED.

Could someone put this in SOLVED?

I doubt that I can be referenced to as a Dumbass since on official MENSA's logic intelligence test I was rated in top 1% of the worlds population.

If you are at least close to that level you would read bolded text in my signature explaining how to mark thread SOLVED. And you would also know that beside maybe Moderators you are the only one who can do that.

It's not "BOOTPRONTO" but "BOOTPROTO", and @blue_print has written it in his post but you failed to change it in your "ifcfg-eth0" file. I wonder why. So to be honest, you have just implemented @blue_print's knowledge, and if I where you I would thank him by clicking on the "Thanks" button on his helpful post.


Originally Posted by trien27 (Post 4002517)
"Not some other program, other COMPUTER!!!!!". : You are wrong. The exact words are " is being used by some other program"

Well, I am a network administrator (both wired and wireless) for only 6 years, I might be wrong, but so far I have never seen that IP is used by any program. Files and folders yes, network ports on some IP? Yes, why not. But IP it self? By a program? never heard of it. When you have IP conflict with another network device, you will be warned that someone else is using that IP also. If you explained exactly what program reported that error, it would be clear what happened. But what ever, you know best.


Originally Posted by trien27 (Post 4002517)
"How many computers are active at the same time with Linux? 2 or more i would say": You are wrong again. I can only have one active computer at a time, not two BECAUSE I don't have enough memory or disk space for two NETWORKS, F-head!

Hahaha, you should learn network terminology. I was referring to the other computers or routers on your network (network stands for all the devices connected to one another by LAN cables directly or via network switch). And what you referred to as "NETWORK" I fail to understand. It does not look neither as NIC nor OS. Maybe something in between?


Originally Posted by trien27 (Post 4002517)
"You better explain your entire network, all devices and PC's connected to your switch/router, and router it self.": Are you a fucking communist or are you trying to crack into my computer? I don't have to explain everything, just ones which I was told to post, and I've already done that.

And what if I am communist? You are going to get a heart attack :-D ?

If I were to use same analogy, I could easily ask you if you are fat New York-er that got even more stupider as a byproduct of the all the dust you inhaled when your government tore down those WTC buildings and then forged evidence to point to Irak so they can plunder their oil deposits. But that would be disrespectful to honest working people living in New York (and the rest of the USA).


Originally Posted by trien27 (Post 4002517)
"End please, do not interpret errors, write them EXACTLY as they appear to you, you are confusing people that want to help you.": Do you not fucking speak ENGLISH? Read what I've posted, and stop being a jackass! I'm confusing NO ONE, unless you don't speak ENGLISH! I'm not interpreting anything and I've written exactly what I've seen.

Please excuse my French.

I thought you were speaking English, not French :-) . I had no idea I can read French so this came as a VERY big surprise :-D .

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