Newbie question
Ok. I am pretty sure not having the software could very well be the problem. After taking a little more time and reading the apachetoolbox output i get this
From apachetoolbox
Choice [?] go
[+] Testing for Log directory... [DONE]
[+] Testing for src directory... [DONE]
--------------------- Scanning for RPM's ----------------------------
Testing for PHP RPM... found! Please remove the rpm. EG: rpm -e php-4.3.8-2.1
Testing for PHP IMAP RPM... not found.
Testing for PHP LDAP RPM... found! Please remove the rpm. EG: rpm -e php-ldap-4 .3.8-2.1
Testing for PHP PGSQL RPM... not found.
Testing for Apache RPM... not found.
Testing for Apache Devel RPM... not found.
Testing for Mod_Perl RPM... found! Please remove the rpm. EG: rpm -e mod_perl-1 .99_12-2.1
Testing for Mod_Perl Devel RPM... not found.
[+] ** If your going to use an RPM package (like openssl) you better have the D EVEL rpm installed as well! **
RPMs that will probably cause problems where found!
Do you wish to continue anyway? (be careful) [y/n]
I am pretty sure you can't compile programs you don't have
SO my question is two fold
1) Where would I find this fill Testing for PHP RPM... found! Please remove the rpm. EG: rpm -e php-4.3.8-2.1
maybe '/usr/lib' I am looking
2)Once I download the programs need what directory should I put them in?
thanks for any help
Last edited by theprophet; 12-15-2004 at 06:55 PM.