Does livna nvidia driver need a funny kernel?
I have just installed the livna nvidia driver. It downloaded a new kernel. I have two questions:
1. If I run the software updater will the new kernel work? does it have its own kernel uname now shows 2.6.20-1.2312.fc5
2 now googleearth has gaps in the middle where there is no picture.
the last thing in dmesg
**WARNING** I2C adapter driver [NVIDIA I2C Device] forgot to specify physical device; fix it!
**WARNING** I2C adapter driver [NVIDIA I2C Device] forgot to specify physical device; fix it!
**WARNING** I2C adapter driver [NVIDIA I2C Device] forgot to specify physical device; fix it!
NVRM: Xid (0003:00): 6, PE0002 0184 beef0201 00000054 0b138020 02b3022c
NVRM: Xid (0003:00): 28, L1 -> L0
is this good or bad?