Originally Posted by bethanlowder
Sorry missed some of the reply to the second command:
[root@lbep ~]# cd / ; du -sch *
7.7M bin
8.9M boot
812K Cold_Again_3200x1200_Skybase.jpg
49G data
128K dev
121M etc
696K export
150K home
125M lib
16K lost+found
1.4M media
8.0K misc
8.0K mnt
0 net
440M opt
du: `proc/32274': No such file or directory
0 proc
You didn't let this command run long enough. The point was to see whether the /tmp directory was in an abnormal state. So, to save time, do this:
Also, check the permissions on / and /tmp. Sometimes these permissions get changed (by someone who spends too much time as root) and the error you report can be one result.
BTW, / should have root.root ownership and drwxr-xr-x permissions,
while /tmp should have root.root ownership and drwxrwxrwt permissions.
Both permissions are required to have these values for normal access to /tmp, and /tmp access is essential for normal application functioning.