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Old 09-19-2006, 07:12 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2006
Posts: 4

Rep: Reputation: 0
Can't Boot FC5 Install DVD

Hi There,

I'm facing a problem Installing FC5;

Whenever pop the FC5 DVD to boot for installation it Hangs

Image Used:
FC5-DVD - x86_64
System Configuration:
Intel Core2Duo E6300 1.86 Ghz
Intel DG965RY Mobo
1 GB DDR2 533 Mhz
( ICH8R - e1000 GB-eth
Intel X3000 Graphics OnBoard
7.1 HD Sound )
16x DVD Writer
Steps to Reproduce:
Installer DVD boots and displays screen with Install
boot selection; I Tried following options
1. Default Graphical options
boot: <Enter>

2. With PCI No Probe
boot: linux pci=noprobe

3. With All-Generic-IDE
boot: linux all-generic-ide
In all the above mentioned boot options the boot Hangs
after some ACHI/PCI text dumps mentioning some thing about
assuming pci=0 as root (not exactly sure about the Test
Thanks in advance.
Nitin K
Old 09-19-2006, 07:32 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2006
Distribution: Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, Debian
Posts: 978

Rep: Reputation: 31
Take a look at your BIOS Setup. Is there a way to change the type on how the sata drivers are handled? If so change it to ATA if possible.
Then try again to boot the install process. If it works you need a driver disk for your SATA Drives. If this is your error at all.

Othwerise see if you can catch some more useful infos regarding the boot process.
It also could be very simple. Your copy of the DVD is currupt.
Old 09-19-2006, 11:39 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2006
Posts: 4

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Originally Posted by odcheck
Take a look at your BIOS Setup. Is there a way to change the type on how the sata drivers are handled? If so change it to ATA if possible.
Then try again to boot the install process. If it works you need a driver disk for your SATA Drives. If this is your error at all.

Othwerise see if you can catch some more useful infos regarding the boot process.
It also could be very simple. Your copy of the DVD is currupt.
Thanks for the pointers odcheck... but still no luck

Here is the outcome of the suggestions: -
  1. BIOS offers SATA drives as IDE or (AHCI/ACHI [watever it means])
    I tried both the settings but the result is same.
  2. About DVD Media being currupt:
    • Sha1sum is same as specified for the images on the DL mirrors i.e. [0429be10e3df5a3ec118ca32802aa44cdf89c6c5]
    • Booted the same DVD on a different machine of a bit older
      configuration (Intel 865 mobo; P-4 3 Ghz, 160 GB HDD Sata-II);
      It Boots fine; Did a media check, which retaurned OK.
    • Also, It installed fine on this system.
I'm still confused, Is something wrong I'm doing or the Distro doesn't support my Mobo.
Anyways will try more... and see atleast come with bit more useful infomation..

Thanks in advance
Nitin K
Old 10-05-2006, 07:05 AM   #4
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Oxford, England
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 70

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My guess is that it is the ICH8R controller that's the problem.

The CD-ROM drive won't be supported properly as the ICH8R controller doesn't support IDE drives (like CD-ROM/DVD) and relies on a third party IDE controller.

Don't know what the answer is, as I have the same problem.
Old 10-27-2006, 08:38 PM   #5
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Guadalajara, Mexico
Distribution: Fedora Core 3
Posts: 30

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question Error: Drivers Needed FC6 Newest Release

Good day;

I'm also stuck in the process of installing FC6, But my problem is slightly different. see below...

I also have the same configuration
Intel's DG965RY Motherboard
Dual Core 2 Processor E6600
250 Gb SATA HDD Western Digital WD2500JS SATA II
1 Gb Memory (PC5300 667mhz Corsair)
An LG DVD Burner. (can't remember the model No.)
and a Regular LG CD Writer (GCE-8527B)

I recently downloaded the DVD ISO, and checked MD5, no problems here.

The boot works fine, but I finish selecting Language and Keybord layout, the instllation ask me for some drivers, which I pressume are for the HDD.
Old 10-27-2006, 09:13 PM   #6
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Guadalajara, Mexico
Distribution: Fedora Core 3
Posts: 30

Rep: Reputation: 15
Dual Core 2 is not 64 Bits... or so I was told....

Well, I was also downloaded the 64 bits version of FC5 and there were some problems with acpi that couldn't be resolved; then all the possible changes made to the bios were made and still no luck,

Later some linux guru came to the linux group I went for help, and I was told that Dual Core 2 is not a 64 Bits processor. As I was explained, the dual core only means that the processor has only two 32 bit layers, and those couldn't be added to have a single 64 procesor.

Therefore, I couldn't install the ISO I downloaded.

I hope this help, I know this is not where your problem resides, but it might help some other way.

Also please check either with md5 or sha1sum if your downloaded copy is ok.

Old 11-11-2006, 01:24 AM   #7
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2006
Posts: 4

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Originally Posted by sitmex
Later some linux guru came to the linux group I went for help, and I was told that Dual Core 2 is not a 64 Bits processor. As I was explained, the dual core only means that the processor has only two 32 bit layers, and those couldn't be added to have a single 64 procesor.
Very Right on the account that Core2Duo is not a 64Bit Processor... But I'm told that this Processor harbours EMT64 Technology... that makes it capable of 64Bit Processing.

Also, I Tried Installing Mandriva-2006-Summa Set (x86_64); I'm able to intall and run this one properly without any issues... provided with some setting for the IDE Drives...

Just wondering where we lagging in FC to do the same.

Nitin K


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