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Old 01-18-2007, 03:02 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Posts: 2

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burn iso for a total newbie

Please be patient with me.... I have only 1 DVD and have downloaded the dvd.iso for Fedora 6 so dont want to get this wrong......... i have double clicked on the file i downloaded (FC-6-i386-dvd) and Nero 7 opens it, great so far, but reading through some forums the biggest problem is that the iso is not burnt this way.... so once i have opened teh file with nero, what set up do i need to burn the file to dvd so i can install it in another computer please?

Old 01-18-2007, 03:22 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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It may be in one of the menu's. You want to be sure to "burn iso image". You don't want to simply burn a dvd that contains the FC-6-i386-dvd.ISO file.

Be carefull that you don't store or download a dvd iso file to a fat32 partition. Fat32 has a 2 GB filesize limit.

If you are currently using another Linux distro, and want to try another, if the /home directory is on it's own partition, you can opt to not format it and may be able to use it as a source for the install. Please check if that is the case reading the installation instructions on the Fedora Core website.

I keep my SuSE dvd image on my /home partition and use it as a source when I install additional programs. It reads the files much faster that way. Plus my dvd drive is a little flakey!
Old 01-19-2007, 12:59 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by jschiwal
It may be in one of the menu's. You want to be sure to "burn iso image". You don't want to simply burn a dvd that contains the FC-6-i386-dvd.ISO file.

Be carefull that you don't store or download a dvd iso file to a fat32 partition. Fat32 has a 2 GB filesize limit.

Thanks, not actually sure what file system it uses to be honest...

If you are currently using another Linux distro, and want to try another, if the /home directory is on it's own partition, you can opt to not format it and may be able to use it as a source for the install. Please check if that is the case reading the installation instructions on the Fedora Core website.

great thanks, will have a look, i am going to install fedora 6 on an old PC I have just really to see what it's like, no real purpose, so if it doesnt work out it's not the end of the world, would ideally like to host my own website down the track once i get things installed and running.

I keep my SuSE dvd image on my /home partition and use it as a source when I install additional programs. It reads the files much faster that way. Plus my dvd drive is a little flakey!
Will walk before i try to run... will stick with fedora and see how it goes first.

thanks for everything, now its the weekend I will have a chance to install.... heres hoping it goes OK :-)


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