Originally Posted by krh156
Berry Linux 0.85 stands on Fedora 7 (I believe)
Looks more like the limitations of a Live CD or unfinished product to me, so I'll move it to the Fedora forum since it's somewhat related. Please note Berry Linux 0.88 was released in Februari of this year. It may or may not fix problems. Also note on
the english Berry Linux homepage the developer says "If you use this software and it doesn't work, please send an e-mail to
Yuichiro Nakada with a description of the bug."
Originally Posted by krh156
1) No autologin
And you shouldn't need it either.
Originally Posted by krh156
2) No user kppp
Could add that yourself (see 'man adduser').
Originally Posted by krh156
I set these up as online ref. declared, but no joy. It ignores all users.
It's a bootable CD. Most of those only use one user I think (not that I've noticed though so I could be wrong).
Originally Posted by krh156
I ran it cli and the results follows. As you can see, this is a good connect as root.
Is it? I can't tell..
Originally Posted by krh156
As user it complains about not opening X server.
It's usually best to post exact error messages. it is easier for people to help with those.
I'd say talk to Yuichiro Nakada. Or else why not switch to Fedora instead?