Hi, i am so glad i got this 2WIRE USB wirelessB adapter to work, thanks to all you LINUX USERS trail & error post, I follow link & took my own suggestions & made it work. THANKS SO MUCH !!! & thanks to me (i know, i am conceded jk)
here are my STEPS for making this work !!!
1. if Necessary, uninstall any previous drivers w/ "
ndiswrapper -e"
2. download this:
842x_usb.zip from proxim.com/support/all/orinoco/software/download
3. unzip & install the driver "
AmPsmNIC.INF" from the Winxp folder w/
ndiswrapper -i
4. do a "
ndiswrapper -d 1630:ff81 ampsmnic"
5. do a
depmod -a *when you do this your 2wire will power on if it works, if not just continue the steps below*
6. do a
modprobe ndiswrapper ( IF modprobe doesnt work, try & install ndis from source w/ out Errors. BUT DOING the "DEPMOD -A" actually does the activation for the hardware, so in THEORY, you dont really need MODPROBE NDISWRAPPER. but i havent tested that THEORY. So please n e one prove me wrong or right cus i would like to know :0) )
7. test to see if it works by doing "
iwconfig or iwconfig wlan0"
example if it works:
[root@localhost ~]# iwconfig wlan0
Warning: Driver for device wlan0 recommend version 18 of Wireless Extension,
but has been compiled with version 17, therefore some driver features
may not be available...
wlan0 IEEE 802.11g ESSID:"2WIRE026" Nickname:"localhost.localdomain"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.437 GHz Access Point: 00
Bit Rate=11 Mb/s Tx-Power:20 dBm Sensitivity=-121 dBm
RTS thr=2347 B Fragment thr=2346 B
Encryption key:2254-7081-23 Security mode:restricted
Power Management
Link Quality:100/100 Signal level:-47 dBm Noise level:-256 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:34 Invalid misc:34 Missed beacon:0
8. If the above steps doesnt work, reboot computer, uninstall driver, then reinstall driver, depmod -a (hopfully the 2wire powers on), modprobe ndiswrapper for the sake of it if you can.
9. from there just go ahead & configure your settings in GUI or COMMAND_LINE. remember the ESSID needs to be exactly the same as your router/etc.