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Old 10-16-2010, 09:55 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2009
Location: Puerto Rico
Distribution: Puppy Linux 528
Posts: 222

Rep: Reputation: 19
Question Was looking for TinyCore forum but this's as close as I can get in terms of size

Downloaded a tinycore.gz file (which resides in my iPod) & was thinking of installing it in my 128 MB CFCard (which happens to hold now Lucid511). Although finally I managed to boot up this VAIO VGN AR250G notebook from the card (this notebook has no HD) it was functioning at a crawling pace which is not acceptable. So now you know why I've tinycore: thought that the size of the OS had an impact on the speed with which it functions, probably too the place from started (in this case, the said card). Is it possible to install tinycore in the card without burning it first to a cd? Even more, can I have a live cd with more than one distro there &, of course, a menu at startup for making my selection of which distro to load?

If all puppy OS run from RAM I still don't understand why it (Lucid 511) was so slow in all its reactions (mouse pointer, keyboard characters, etc.) & nobody answered my implicit question around this to this date. Any hint as to where to look for some info will be very much appreciated.

PS. How safe is for the info already in my iPod (photos, music & other files) if I try GParted to change (if possible) the boot flag within the iPod in order to make it a bootable device?

Thanks in advanced!

Last edited by Benny7440; 10-21-2010 at 01:05 PM. Reason: Clarifying which distro was running slow at 2nd paragraph.
Old 10-17-2010, 05:02 AM   #2
Larry Webb
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Originally Posted by Benny7440 View Post
Downloaded a tinycore.gz file (which resides in my iPod) & was thinking of installing it in my 128 MB CFCard (which happens to hold now Lucid511). Although finally I managed to boot up this VAIO VGN AR250G notebook from the card (this notebook has no HD) it was functioning at a crawling pace which is not acceptable. So now you know why I've tinycore: thought that the size of the OS had an impact on the speed with which it functions, probably too the place from started (in this case, the said card). Is it possible to install tinycore in the card without burning it first to a cd? Even more, can I have a live cd with more than one distro there &, of course, a menu at startup for making my selection of which distro to load?

If all puppy OS run from RAM I still don't understand why it was so slow in all its reactions (mouse pointer, keyboard characters, etc.) & nobody answered my implicit question around this to this date. Any hint as to where to look for some info will be very much appreciated.

PS. How safe is for the info already in my iPod (photos, music & other files) if I try GParted to change (if possible) the boot flag within the iPod in order to make it a bootable device?

Thanks in advanced!
The size of the distro does effect the speed of the distro when loading and if it requires more than maximum memory for operations. (I am presuming the notebook you are referring to is the iPod)

The latest release of Puppy is larger than earlier versions and requires more memory to operate.

Any time you are going to change the memory or alter its size any information stored is at risk. As cheap as cards are I would backup all files I wanted to save in fact if you have another computer use it for backup storage. As far as putting more than one distro per cd, why would you want to, cds are cheap.

I hope I have been able to help.
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Old 10-18-2010, 09:01 AM   #3
Registered: Jul 2009
Location: Puerto Rico
Distribution: Puppy Linux 528
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Thanks for responding Larry Webb!

When I say that it's crawling I'm referring to its behavior after loading & not to the time it takes to load. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding of the target pc, the CFCard holds the distro & it's plugged in the VAIO's respective slot. It's the VAIO that, after loading Lupu from the card, crawls.

The purpose of putting more than one distro within the same cd is its portability & flexibility. For ex., in just 1 common cd you can easily put 5 different linux distros (each one might be tailored to a specific end or system restrain --available RAM, HD capacity/status/existence & other system resources); all these assuming there's no need for making the system configuration persistent. In the end, putting a 120MB distro in a 700MB cd & assuming it's already used up is a very great waste of capacity (I'm not talking here at PRICE). Ultimately, being the person I've always being, I like it very much to extract from every resource that I have command upon the most available, within my abilities.

The last theme within this post makes me insist on the subject: is there a way to put a Menu 'script' within a bootable cd that contains more than one distro for the user to choose from? Assume here that the cd is NOT rewritable...?

Thanks in advance for any help on these things!
Old 10-18-2010, 11:25 AM   #4
Larry Webb
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I am not a programmer so I will have to back off.
Old 11-07-2010, 07:49 PM   #5
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Edit: NVM thread already closed.

Last edited by michaelk; 11-07-2010 at 07:50 PM.

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