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Feather This forum is for the discussion of Feather Linux.


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Old 08-22-2006, 10:24 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2006
Distribution: BasicLinux, Freespire, Mandriva, SUSE, Ubuntu, and Zenwalk ATM
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Problems With Feather Linux

Okay, I downloaded the feather ISO, then verified and burned it with k3b. The image boots fine on my "testing" machine, currently running Slackware, but will be entriely bypassed by my primary SUSE machin. I always have CD boot first. To verify. I booted DSL 3.0 with no problems. Any idea why this is happening? (I probably need to give more information... But I do not know what.)
Old 09-01-2006, 01:05 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2006
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Relatively few troubles booting to getting MP3 via USB working

Originally Posted by Linu.cks
Okay, I downloaded the feather ISO, then verified and burned it with k3b. The image boots fine on my "testing" machine, currently running Slackware, but will be entriely bypassed by my primary SUSE machin. I always have CD boot first. To verify. I booted DSL 3.0 with no problems. Any idea why this is happening? (I probably need to give more information... But I do not know what.)

Strange but my experience had been quite good when trying to boot it on 8 different motherboards:

Asus P5P800 Dual-core 2.6 GHz (Integrated graphics/sound)
Asus P4P800-mx running P4 2.8 GHz (Integrated graphics/sound)
PCChip M538 Pentium 100 MHz
Acer AX6LC Pentium II 333 MHz
MSI K7T Duron 700MHz (Via Chipset)
Shuttle MV17 Celeron (Int graphics/sound)
Acer P5A-B Pentium 233 MMX
HP Pavillion 6635

In every case I managed to get the the sound and graphics running and access a Sandisk MP3 player via XMMS. It rocks as I'm using it right now (Firefox) configured to run out of memory

I would suggest to try setting your BIOS to the safe defaults and try to reboot again.

Old 09-26-2006, 10:37 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2006
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works on old machines too

I got feather to load on my laptop - a pentium mmx with only a 166mhz processor and 92mb of ram! It works great from the live cd. But does anyone know how to login? Now that I installed it to my hd, I would really like to use it. I get the box login prompt and cannot figure out what to type in there to get to the desktop!

Anyhow, it ran beautifully fast on this old laptop and has made it a useful computer despite is age.
Old 09-28-2006, 06:17 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by gregdearth
... But does anyone know how to login? Now that I installed it to my hd, I would really like to use it. I get the box login prompt and cannot figure out what to type in there to get to the desktop!
I'm not sure about the password but I think you can type either "knoppix" or "root" at the userid prompt and log in without needing to type in the password. You should set the password for both at some point.



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