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Old 04-04-2008, 12:45 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2008
Posts: 9

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Question Feather on usb drive not booting

I'm completely new to linux but since I have this new 8GB stick, and i use public pc's alot at college i wanted to put feather on this stick.

So i followed all the steps. formatted the stick. extracted feather0.7.4usb to the stick. extracted syslinux-2.11 to C:. (i'm working in vista btw) then i open the command line and that's where i get confused. some walkthroughs tell me to use syslinux F:, others say syslinux.exe F: ... so i tried both. the first gave a message telling me that something was trying to acces my hard drive blabla security. the other (with the .exe) seemed to work. the light on my flash drive flashed a few times and no warnings or nothing. i check the flashdrive but ther's no syslinux.exe on there. but that's how it's supposed to be i guess? (i don't understand why i just can't copy the syslinux.exe normally to the flashdrive, so did that too, but the following problem persisted).

Now here's the real problem. I boot from my USB Hard Drive, and all it gives is a black blank screen and in the top left corner a flashing cursor. And that's where it stops... I have to turn of the computer.

Please someone help i'll be forever grateful. I will even carve you name into my brandnew 8GB flashdrive. (ok i made that last part up ^^)

Old 04-06-2008, 05:11 PM   #2
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