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Debian This forum is for the discussion of Debian Linux.


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Old 07-02-2003, 12:08 PM   #16
Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 119

Rep: Reputation: 15
knoppix and morphix

I have migrated to Debian a month ago, thanks to Knoppix. Knoopix is easy to chedk that your system hardware supports it, and then HDD install is easy. Morphix is even better as it had customised CDs to download and burn and it has a super games collection CD = probably hte best Linux games collection thetre is!
There is an icon once you start the live CD to install onto the HDD - which is easy - not graphical GUI stuff - but easy.

Lindows is also Debian. Libranet ? I am off to find out...
Old 07-02-2003, 04:24 PM   #17
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2003
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 17

Rep: Reputation: 0
Re: Re: Cool!

Originally posted by Genesee
my sentiments exactly!

Same here. Well here's my little Debian story.
I started using Linux about 5 months ago. I had a lot of time to kill and I figured, well, why not give that Linux thing that everybody is talking about a try. I asked a friend of mine who I knew used Linux which distribution he would recommend. He said he was using Debian, but SuSE might be easier to learn. So I got me some blank CDs and gave it a shot. Fortunately, I had 2 hard drives, so I did not have to reformat my Windows partition.
I must admit, installing SuSE was easier than I thought. It asked me a couple of questions, partitioned my hard drive - a rather scary experience at that point - and then I was in KDE world. Not too bad, said I. So what can I do now? Let's try installing some programs. Wait, no .exe files? But how do you know which programs you can run? What's a package?
And then I discovered YaST. What exactly it does is still a puzzle to me. I remember thinking that if YaST is the _simple_ way of installing packages, I'll just go back to Windows. No thanks Linus.

A month or so later I talked to my friend again and told him about my miserable Linux experience. He told me something about the great package system of Debian, and I decided to try again. So I burned the 8 Debian CDs - the SOB didn't tell me about bf floppies - and plunged in.
At first, it wasn't that bad. I couldn't find ReiserFS support in 2.4.18, so I went with Ext3. The whole thing was up and running in half an hour, or so I thought. I stared blankly at the login: prompt, and wished I still had the pretty SuSE. After trying to understand the two pages of gibberish that typing startx produced, I thought, well, he did say it's not easy.

Then I RTFMed and STFWed for a while and finally understood what /home/foo/bar means. Oh, did you know that the Debian package repository does not have a package called foobar? I know this because I actually searched for it because one of the manuals used it as an example. Slightly embarrassing.
Then I got the 4 -bf2.4.18 floppies (and threw away the 8 CDs I burned earlier) and tried again. Only to get an error that said something about failing to copy the base system. I mean, base system? SuSE did better than that. My girlfriend was getting worried. I can't blame her, I mean, it's not easy to live with a walking insomniac who chants strange things like 'ext3 is okay but I really want reiser' to himself all night.
After a couple of days I figured it out: that damn Partitioning HOWTO suggested creating a small boot partition. Well I figured 50MB should be enough, right? They really should be more specific about the size of the Reiser journal when they ask you what type of file system you want.

Eventually (aka 6 times) it worked. I looked at the KDE screen and thought, this damn better be better than SuSE. And then I got to type apt-get install foobar. You gotta love Debian.
Of course, then came hours of kernel compiling, configuring slashcode from perl (try it, it's really entertaining. Don't forget to type apt-get install slashcode when all else fails - duh), looking at L??????????????? after installing Grub, etc etc. You all know how it is.

But now it works. I mean, really works. Blackbox and Debian - I never looked back to Windows. The Win2000 partition is still there though - just waiting for drivers for my MD player - but it's certainly not getting much action anymore.
And I finally convinced my girlfriend to give it a try. This time I went with Knoppix to save myself configuring Debian from scratch on a laptop (not that I didn't have to do it anyway), but yet again, Debian delivered.

The moral: Debian is the shiznit. I'm in love.
Old 08-05-2003, 02:57 PM   #18
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: São Paulo -Brazil
Posts: 76

Rep: Reputation: 15
They test the Conectiva and later they say what they find, simply has everything that you need..and something more...

APT,Synaptic natively. Conectiva carried apt-get for RPM and synaptic developed in would seem the Debian Team. translating it has what it has better of in all other distros, only lacks a community in return...
being that the Conectiva is so free as Debian, Slackware etc...
The CLEE <Conectiva Linux Enterprise Edition based on United Linux 1.0>not... why it uses Yast and that dirty license.
Old 08-06-2003, 08:04 AM   #19
Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 119

Rep: Reputation: 15
Believe it or not, I am trying to get Debian Woody going after removing the Knoppix Debian install. Why? Well for once my ADSL mocdem is not recognised by Linux . So I dual boot with Windows. Knoppix does not have postgresql or zope - two I need. Apt-get has no meaning until I get the ADSL modem recognised. There is a driver but it works only with RedHat 7.2!
So I setup a base install of Debian and using the first CD only, installed Apache, Zope and postgresql. All work beautifully as a server. But I cannot run X because the version of X-windows coming with Debian Woody (xfree86 4.1) does not support my video card! So I am looking for the drivers.
To be continued..................

Last edited by softgun; 08-06-2003 at 08:08 AM.
Old 08-07-2003, 04:01 AM   #20
Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 119

Rep: Reputation: 15
I found the driver and got x going! I now think that Debian Woody is great! Better than the Knoppix install, for me as i got postgresql, Zope, Apache, Windowmaker and Mozilla going with just the first CD and without me having to do any configuration to get them to start at bootup. The savage drivers are at
Old 08-16-2003, 07:00 AM   #21
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: berlin
Distribution: debian 3.01 woody-stable
Posts: 2

Rep: Reputation: 0
Thumbs up i never want to use windows anymore


i got installed debian two weeks ago.

it`s great.

i got internet, mail and dword.

but i got fed up trying to install and configure my essential needs programms.
i am a newbie and i need you to get me over to gnu.

my problem ist: i don`t see clear with apt-get over ftp, the apt-get upgrade, update. i just stay at what i have.

but i ache to use bluefish and ftp-editor.

i need some knowledge about getting my essential programs,

and how i can extend my 3.01 have.

i hope beeing committed and ask you for help.

clean and pure systems for all!


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