Very slow speed with dialup modem in Knoppix.
I'm hoping Debian users can give me some insight to a problem I have with Knoppix 3.8 installed to hard disk.
I've used the kppp setup and modem setup tools to configure Kppp to dial out. I've used the same information I use on my SuSE partition (where I don't have such problems as I'm reporting here).
The modem dials out, connects (no errors), pppstatus tells me the baud rate is 49666, but the speed is less that 1 kb/s.
I've used stty and setserial to check/set the /dev/ttyS0 settings: baud_base 115200, speed spd_hi (57.6 k, slightly more that the 56 k rating of the modem: US Robotics Voice/data/fax).
It seems I can connect to my ISP, but the modem output is much too slow.
Any ideas on how to speed things up?