hey folk, i dont know how to format all this purty like, so your just gonna have to deal
i just recently did an install and a dist-upgrade and ran into some problems getting my trackball to work with the above instructions. I did however get stuff to work after some meddling around. I thought it would be nice to share what all i did. As of this writing, the sidebuttons work for fwd and back in iceweasel, and the scrollwheel works to scroll, but still not exactly sure what it does when i press the scroll wheel in. Now, onto what i did to get the thing to work.
first some nitty grittys.
hardware i'm using:
microsoft trackball optical 1.0 PS2/USB Compatible
( or so it says on the bottom of the device )
its a USB device, but i'm using the green USB -> ps2 adapter,
wth am i gonna use mouse ps2 port for?
software I'm using
dist: debian - etch // apt repositories are set to testing in sources.list
kernel: 2.6.18-3-486
DE: KDE 3.5 // not sure if thats relevant, but i'm including it anyway
Xorg: 7.1.1
ok, so after some reading and some playing around, i determined that i didn't need imwheel, so i removed it using apt-get. i still haven't purged it, but the thing aint running. I hope nothing else is using its files. I have the file .Xmodmap titled as .Xmodmap.bak in my home directory to disable it, so apparently, its not doing anything. I'm about to delete it, just haven't done it yet. if it screws something up, i'll come back and tell you. seeing as how imwheel isn't installed and isn't running, i'd be willing to bet that the .imwheelrc file isn't doing anything either. thats gettin' deleted also here in a second. Apparently, the only file i needed to modify was the one found at /etc/X11/xorg.conf
and i made the following section in that file look like this:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "CorePointer"
Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Buttons" "7"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7 10 11"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "false"
like i said, i figured all this out by just playing around with stuff.
mainly the resources i used were:
- this thread
- the command: xev
( run it from a terminal, then roll your mouse over the popup window and watch what happens )
- the gentoo wiki from the first post ( dude, total thanks! )
- and this wiki, particularly the part about the Microsoft Intellimouse Optical
this link here -->
now go forth and surf!
also, i still can't figure out just exactly what event it is that happens when the scroll wheel is depressed. if someone knows how to map it, or a knows a link to someplace with instructions, please share!