Originally Posted by SibLiant
Where am i being an id10t?
I dunno know but a good guess is in front of the mirror where you see one

Paddon but I can't dispel an invitation.
I don't know what ssh-copy-id does but to check that every thing went well
cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys to see if your key.pub made it over. Check on your
/etc/ssh/sshd_config to get the exact name of the file where pub keys need to go.
As far as I can tell the permissions look good on the files.
Bit of summary what's need for public key login
pair of keys, one public one private.
The public one needs to get on the server you want to log in to
put public key into .ssh/authorized_keys (or where ever sshd looks for it)
Make sure sshd allows public key login.
For debug purpose use ssh -v -v and see what it tells you. Even more intresting and most of the time illuminating is the sshd log /var/log/secure normaly. But first setup the log level to debug inside
/etc/ssh/sshd_config restart ssh and tail on the logfile. Or just start sshd by hand and let it linger in foreground.
To make extra sure heres I go about public key login
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
it'll ask for the place to save the files to (.ssh in general)
scp .ssh/id_rsa.pub user@host:/home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
take care not to overwrite any existing authorized_keys file.
I normaly ssh into the machine to check on permission and alike...