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Old 10-19-2005, 03:46 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: Barcelona
Distribution: Debian, FreeBSD, Gentoo
Posts: 586

Rep: Reputation: 30
solutions for computer freeze?

If an app freezes you can use killall <name> or killall -vs 9 <name> from the terminal, if X server freezes you can "usually" just ctrl + alt + backspace out and restart it. If a terminal locks up you can switch to a new one and kill it or try to solve it.

But how do you solve problems like an app freezing X and blocking keyboard input (so that ctrl + alt + backspace doesnt work)? Another problem i have is that i work with apps that sometimes memory leak, is there any way to stop that quickly? or is the only way to quickly kill the app when i notice my swap start going down quickly?

i've been thinking about that maybe the best solution would be that if it happens i'd just ssh in from another computer and attempt to kill the apps, the only problem is i only have one computer with a screen right now (i ssh off from my main to the others) so unless i get all the commands right without a screen (pretty hard if you dont know the process name or PID) or switch my screen to my other computers it wouldnt work.

So is there any other way other then hitting that horrible reset button?
Old 10-19-2005, 04:49 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Santiago, Chile
Distribution: Debian Unstable
Posts: 107

Rep: Reputation: 15
Generally, for keyboard lock ups, I have a button on my taskbar that pops up the system monitor. From there I can kill the disturbing program. However, for complete keyboard+mouse freezes usually there is no other option than rebooting
Old 10-20-2005, 01:09 AM   #3
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: Barcelona
Distribution: Debian, FreeBSD, Gentoo
Posts: 586

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is there no daemon that can monitor for example x-servers responsive status and if it doesnt respond in X seconds it just kills x? or something like that?
Old 10-20-2005, 06:10 AM   #4
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You can have a shortcut on the desktop that point to "xkill"
If you still have your mouse, you can click on it and then on the Xapp you want to kill.

Still the idea of a program that monitor X responsivness could be interesting. Isn't there a mechanism like this already in X?


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