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Old 05-27-2004, 03:21 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Mumbai, India
Distribution: Debian Stretch XFCE
Posts: 67

Rep: Reputation: 15
Slack to debian is it easy


I am not necessarily a newbie and have been using linux for 4 years

After trying out mini distros and small distros as they had umsdos capability and constraints related to my Pc. I finally settled with slackware

Slackwares zipslack has umsdos capability

I am using slack since 2002. I decided some time back to try some other distros also
Recently I tried knoppix and came to know it is based on debian.
I also read a lot about debian w.r.t its forums, a very good distro and most
prominantly seductive power of apt get.
Also i came to know that it is very hard to install debian???????

My questions

1. In one of the threads I read that Slack is a more difficult distro than Debian. Is it true and would this mean it would be easier for me since i have installed and used slack since 2002?

2.I boot into slack through LOADLIN on a floppy and issuing a command mount root=/dev/hda8.
Can this be done in debian also. I do not want to use GRUB or LILO.

3. I have slack9.1 already installed on ext2. Can debian be installed on the same.
I have a pc with 40G hdd partitioned as C:\10 G were Win 98 is installed and D: as extended partition
I dual boot win98 and slack.

Any reply is appreciated

Old 05-27-2004, 05:55 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Netherlands
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 729

Rep: Reputation: 30
I can't see why you should have any problems using Debian if you can handle Slackware. The installer isn't hard at all, it just requires attention and some basic knowledge about the system (which you already have). Dual booting is no problem, using a different bootloader is not a problem, using ext2 isn't.


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