Slack to debian is it easy
I am not necessarily a newbie and have been using linux for 4 years
After trying out mini distros and small distros as they had umsdos capability and constraints related to my Pc. I finally settled with slackware
Slackwares zipslack has umsdos capability
I am using slack since 2002. I decided some time back to try some other distros also
Recently I tried knoppix and came to know it is based on debian.
I also read a lot about debian w.r.t its forums, a very good distro and most
prominantly seductive power of apt get.
Also i came to know that it is very hard to install debian???????
My questions
1. In one of the threads I read that Slack is a more difficult distro than Debian. Is it true and would this mean it would be easier for me since i have installed and used slack since 2002?
2.I boot into slack through LOADLIN on a floppy and issuing a command mount root=/dev/hda8.
Can this be done in debian also. I do not want to use GRUB or LILO.
3. I have slack9.1 already installed on ext2. Can debian be installed on the same.
I have a pc with 40G hdd partitioned as C:\10 G were Win 98 is installed and D: as extended partition
I dual boot win98 and slack.
Any reply is appreciated