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Old 04-13-2004, 07:09 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 14

Rep: Reputation: 0
sarge installtion & sata devices


I am having trouble completing the installation of debian, from the sarge testing cd...

I cant get past the bootloader configuration... despite not knowing where to install it (ill explain later), it will only let me choose this once, and then each time i go back in, it will try and install it again on the same device, even though the initial try didnt work... and doesnt even ask me to try a new one??

I ran a shell to search for an installtion config file, but couldn't find one... does anyone know where this would be?

also, I have a serial ata (sata) hdd which is the other half of the problem... I do not know how grub addresses scsi devices. (I am assuming it gets treated as a scsi device). I know the path to the device file, of the partition I would like to install grub on, but i do not know how to translate it into grub...


The partition layout is as follows...

IDE1 - 40GB ide drive

part1 - 40 GB fat32 drive

IDE5 - 200GB sata drive

part1 - 100BG NTFS partition (windows xp)
part2 - 100MB ext3 partition /boot (would like to install grub here)
part3 - 93GB ext3 partition /
part5 - 2GB swap logical partition

I would be most appreciative if someone could translate this into grub for me... and also advise how I can change the bootloader install location if I stuff it up, without having to reboot, and start the install again...

Thanks in advance,

Old 04-20-2004, 12:10 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Distribution: Debian/unstable
Posts: 1,357

Rep: Reputation: 47
It seems that it is seen as an ide disk after all,
/dev/hde2 is the same as /dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/part2


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