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Old 04-25-2005, 08:26 PM   #1
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: NJ, USA
Distribution: Slackware, Debian
Posts: 5,852

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RAM missing on PowerPC

I recently installed Sarge on a PowerPC 8600/200 after about a week of wrestling with the OldWorld ROM.

I have a small "install" (I copied the contents of a boot disk to the HDD) of MacOS 8.5 on a 25 MB partition on the HDD, which I use to launch the kernel and initrd.

Now, in MacOS 8.5, it shows that I have 256 MB of RAM. When I first booted the installer (I used the net installer) and dropped to the shell, "cat /proc/cpuinfo" also showed 256 MB of RAM.

However, now that Debian is installed and running on the machine, it claims I have only 96 MB of RAM.

My question is, why is Debian not seeing all of my RAM, when MacOS and the net installer did?
Old 04-28-2005, 05:24 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: NJ, USA
Distribution: Slackware, Debian
Posts: 5,852

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Alright, after further developments, I am starting to suspect some sort of hardware malfunction causing an intermittent failure of some of the memory in the machine.

On a recent boot, the installed Debian system correctly identified all 256 MB of RAM in the machine.

So I guess my question now is, what is a good memory testing program for PPC?


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