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Old 11-25-2003, 06:03 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 1

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Promise TX2 133 controller and installation


Got a little problem when installin the latest (3.0r1) debian version. First let me give u a bit of background information:
I have installed Debian a couple of times so i know how the "drill" goes.

With my mainboard (epox 4bea) i discoverred a bug in the kernel, which has been fixed (the bug was already fixed, but i found out afterwards) When starting the kernel, after the message that the kernel is uncompressed and ready to run, the machine stops working. As of kernel 2.4.20 this problem is fixed.

A couple a month back i ordered a new harddisk (Maxtor 200GB) and had to buy a new controller, cause the controller that was onboard had difficulties detecting the disk. The controller became Promise TX2 133. Perfect working, under w2k, nothing wrong with it.

Now comes my problem:
The installation of debian uses a 2.2 kernel, which doesn't detect the promise card.
When i select the 2.4 kernel to boot and to install the pc lock's up due to the problem mentioned above.

Now is my question: Is there a way to install Debian using that controller?
Old 11-25-2003, 09:16 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Virginia, USA
Distribution: Debian 12
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" The controller became Promise TX2 133. Perfect working, under w2k, nothing wrong with it."

I bought a Maxtor 100 PCI IDE controller with a Promise 20267 chipset. The hardware is very buggy. On Windows the Windows driver corrects for the hardware bugs, albeit at a drop in performance. The Linux kernel developers have programmed workarounds for some of the bugs but since Promise will not release the specs for their chipset the Linux workarounds are second rate. I eventually threw away the Maxtor/Promise card and bought a HighPoint IDE controller card which works just fine.

The second half of the following thread may be relevent to your problem:

Be prepared. Create a LifeBoat CD.

Steve Stites


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