To write CD using COMMAnd prompt try the following cmd's
1.First u should know the device no on which the CD-W drive in connected.For that use the following cmd,
cdrecord -scanbus
This will show some number near the CD-RW drive (like this 1,0,0) note down this number.
2.Before write the data u have to convert it into ISO image.For that use the following cmd.
mkisofs -o /home/cd.img full path of the file which one u r going to write(like this /home/kadhir/mm.mp3)
For exp:- mkisofs -o /home/cd.img /home/kadhir/mm.mp3
This command will create the image file in the path specified in the command (ie /home/cd.img).
3. To write the cd use the command-
cdrecord -v dev=1,0,0 -audio -eject /home/cd.img
This command will write the image the mp3 file to the CD as audio file, after completion it will eject the CD.The Number I specified in one that i taken form (cdrecord -scanbus).
I am using it in Red Hat Linux 8.0.(Kernel 2.4.18-14) Try this trop u r replay.