I did apt-get upgrade, then apt-get install prelink then prelink -afmR and got these errors on the programs I need loaded faster the most:
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/regxpcom: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/mozilla-thunderbird-xremote-client: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/mozilla-thunderbird-bin: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/regchrome: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/regxpcom: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/xpcshell: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/regchrome: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox-bin: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/regcomp: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/setofficelang.bin: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/setup.bin: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/configimport.bin: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/spadmin.bin: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/pluginapp.bin: Could not find one of the dependencies
/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/pkgchk.bin: Could not find one of the dependencies
One mention of it on the internet but unanswered. Not sure what it means, Any ideas? Thanks.