Which source version did you take?
Taking the source package mentionned above 2.4.svn4 (I don't have svn access, I'm at work..):
If I use the orig svn4, configure it like this:
./configure --with-jsapi-include=/usr/include/mozjs/ --with-qt-dir=/usr --with-qt-include=/usr/include/qt4 --with-qt-lib=/usr/lib/qt4 --with-newfaad
It compiles. I'm checking it now. The first thing I did does not work: clicking on about doesn't do anything. The second thing I did is going into show built-in plugins and the internationalization is wrong (has changed with qt4, probably there is a mistake). The message is in UTF8 but is displayed in 8859-1.
If I use the debian+patch (dsc), modify the rules file to the above configure options, the package is created and installed (though the link /usr/bin/avidemux point to avidemux_gtk that I modified to point to avidemux_qt4)
I converted a few stuffs, didn't run into a crash. How do you do that exactly?
Anyway, I really prefer the qt4 version, it looks cleaner and more recent than the gtk one.