Ok, I have installed mythtv, and it went fine, i think.
My problem is now how to get it working.
Anyone having a guide i can read specifically for debian?
Well my first question is, do i have to configure it as root or as user?
Whenever i run the setup, and it begins getting the channels list, it saves it under /root/.mythtv/xxx.xmltv. But when i launch mythbackend it looks in /home/mythtv/.mythtv/xxx.xmltv. How do i changes thes locations?
these are some of the error messages:
araldit@settop:~$ mythbackend
Starting up as the master server.
2004-06-10 17:37:28 CheckChannel failed. Please verify channel "3" in the "setup" Channel Editor.
TV is defined, but isn't attached to a cardinput.
2004-06-10 17:37:28 mythbackend version: 0.15.20040525-1
2004-06-10 17:37:28 Enabled verbose msgs : important general
/home/araldit/recordings/nfslockfile.lock: Adgang nægtet
Unable to open lockfile!
Be sure that '/home/araldit/recordings' exists and that both
the directory and that file are writeble by this user.
araldit@settop:~$ mythtv-setup
Would you like to clear all capture card
settings before starting configuration? [no]
Would you like to clear all program/channel
settings before starting configuration? [no]
mythtv: could not connect to socket
mythtv: Ingen sådan fil eller filkatalog
lirc_init failed for mythtv, see preceding messages
2004-06-10 17:38:36 Please wait while MythTV retrieves the list of available channels
cannot write to /home/araldit/.mythtv/fjernsynet.xmltv: Adgang nægtet at /usr/bin/tv_grab_dk line 167.
2004-06-10 17:38:39 tv_grab_dk --config-file '/home/araldit/.mythtv/fjernsynet.xmltv' --configure
2004-06-10 17:38:39 exited with status 3328
Anyone have a clue?