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Old 05-03-2014, 09:03 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Moving swap and /tmp to ram

Hi people

I wanted to know, is it possible to move the swap and the tmp to the ram memory on Debian Wheezy 64bits LXDE?

Thanks in advance!
Old 05-03-2014, 11:19 PM   #2
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Moving swap to RAM tells me you may not understand the purpose of swap. Swap is harddisk space that behaves like RAM. e.g. if your system runs out of RAM instead of crashing it will start moving applications to swap because it is basically RAM overflow. If you don't want swap then simply disable it. Moving it into RAM defeats the purpose of its existence and has an added negative effect that the OS will move RAM overflow... into RAM... which you get my point I think.

Regarding moving your /tmp directory into RAM that can be accomplished by mounting a tmpfs ram disk on /tmp.
Old 05-03-2014, 11:33 PM   #3
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You might be surprised.
Search zswap and zram for example. There are techniques being developed driven by people not wanting to swap to SSD. It's still somewhat in a state of flux - I don't know what kernel (and options) Wheezy offers.


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