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Old 10-30-2010, 08:24 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2010
Distribution: Linux Mint 13 Maya 32-bit
Posts: 126

Rep: Reputation: 6
Question Missing /var/run/ file

Hi, I'm new to LinuxQuestions, and I am having a problem getting the PPPoE program that came built into Dreamlinux 3.5 (Debian GNU/Linux 5.0) to work correctly. So far, I have discovered 2 missing files, that reinstalling PPPoE and associated programs did not fix.

I had to copy and paste a pppoe.conf (sample) file to add to /etc/ppp/ and now I have discovered that /var/run/ is also MIA. I, apparently, need this file to run 'pppoe-start' or even 'pppoe-status'.

Is there a copy of that file out there too, or am I working hard to fix a situation that can't be fixed? Also, is there another pppoe program out there? And if so, why isn't it in the Debian repository. I'm using stable software only, btw, and Apt-get has shown me nothing! You'd think there would be way more than one pppoe program out there.

I'm grateful for any assistance you can offer.
Old 10-30-2010, 08:44 PM   #2
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According to this page
you have to run pppoeconf.
Old 11-02-2010, 08:24 PM   #3
Registered: Oct 2010
Distribution: Linux Mint 13 Maya 32-bit
Posts: 126

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Rep: Reputation: 6
Lightbulb Thank you, but...

Thank you for responding, but that did not work. I tried it several times, but nothing happened. I kept getting the same error message.

Fortunately, I don't need to use PPPoE. My Zoom modem has the ability to connect to my ISP without Linux software. Zoom's tech support helped me get the modem configured correctly, despite AT&T's refusal to give me the correct pci(sp?) and vci(sp?) codes w/o paying them a whooping $50 fee (for 3 lousy digits)! Turns out Zoom has the codes for all the major ISP providers!

So, I am very pleased, and highly recommend Zoom modems to Linux users.
Only cost $31.98 w/ shipping from, if anyone's looking for a good, Linux friendly dsl modem (FYI, mine is an X3 model 5760).


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