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Old 02-04-2011, 06:09 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2007
Location: Stockholm Sweden
Distribution: Snow Puppy and Fluppy and Lupu frugal install
Posts: 279

Rep: Reputation: 33
Knoppix, Wine, Spotify. Help!

I love Adriane Knoppix V6.4.3 CD version. It just works.

But I fail to know how to get Spotify going. I get it to work in Puppy Linux so the exe file is absolutely okay. But how do I tell Knoppix to load it in Wine?

When I click on the exe file then it give me so many choices to do that I have no idea what to tell it.

Yes I am a kind of perennial Newbie. Dense in my head. Confused about how to do even the simplest thing. So please help

Last edited by nooby; 02-04-2011 at 09:23 AM.
Old 02-04-2011, 07:06 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2010
Location: Western Maine
Distribution: PCLinuxOS (LXDE)
Posts: 466

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Do you know of Lupu and KNOPPIX use the same version of WINE? When I want to run an .exe I right-click it and select the option to open it with WINE. This may mean manually selecting WINE from a list after choosing "open with..."

You could try installing Play On Linux if you are still having problems.
Old 02-04-2011, 07:57 AM   #3
Registered: Oct 2007
Location: Stockholm Sweden
Distribution: Snow Puppy and Fluppy and Lupu frugal install
Posts: 279

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Thanks for answering me. That was very nice and friendly. I thought none would care. Bad experiences due to my craxy Englsih putting people off from trying to understand my confusing questions.

You could try installing Play On Linux if you are still having problems.
I guess I have to google that one. Have no idea what Play On Linux is.

Now Lupu puppy works very well with wine and spotify. But I want to be able to do it on Knoppix too.

I get as far as you say though.

When I want to run an .exe I right-click it and select the option to open it with WINE.
But where do you find the Wine there among all the choices. Under what header is it?

I find wine uninstall but is that really what I should chose?

I use the file handler to find mnt/home and there I have the spotify.exe file. I right click on it and up comes all the choices. But where is the wine to find? Which wine?

WineConfig is availabe but it does not explain how one tell that one to start spotify.

I tried both terminals and did cli this

wine spotify.exe and it looked in windows/system32/ for it and despite me having put a copy of it there it could not find it.

So something odd is going on.

I wonder what you say here:
Do you know if Lupu and KNOPPIX use the same version of WINE?
You could refer to that you only have run wine and spotify in Lupu?
Why else at all mention Lupu? Just me curious.

Edit oops sorry I had no idea what that play was. Here it is:

PlayOnLinux is a piece of sofware which allows you to easily install and use numerous games and apps designed to run with Microsoft® Windows®. ...

Seems overkill when I already have wine on knoppix?

Last edited by nooby; 02-04-2011 at 08:02 AM.
Old 02-04-2011, 12:06 PM   #4
Registered: Mar 2010
Location: Western Maine
Distribution: PCLinuxOS (LXDE)
Posts: 466

Rep: Reputation: 51
Originally Posted by nooby View Post
But where do you find the Wine there among all the choices. Under what header is it?

I find wine uninstall but is that really what I should chose?
It might be different for me because I am using Linux Mint Debian with GNOME. I think KNOPPIX uses LXDE for the desktop.

You do not want to uninstall WINE.

Here's a link showing how it's done on Ubuntu. Hopefully it clears things up...
You could refer to that you only have run wine and spotify in Lupu?
Why else at all mention Lupu? Just me curious.
I meant that Lupu could have a newer version of WINE than KNOPPIX, or the other way around. It's probably the same though.

PlayOnLinux is a piece of sofware which allows you to easily install and use numerous games and apps designed to run with Microsoft® Windows®. ...

Seems overkill when I already have wine on knoppix?
Play On Linux just makes it easier to install Windows programs with WINE.
Old 02-04-2011, 02:49 PM   #5
Registered: Oct 2007
Location: Stockholm Sweden
Distribution: Snow Puppy and Fluppy and Lupu frugal install
Posts: 279

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Rep: Reputation: 33
Thanks Sadly the text on Spotify works if one reinstall spotify with the installation. I ahve already done that in Windows so I don't want to end up with two versions of spotify or that the one I use now lost its good fuctionality it works superb in Puppy. So I must find a solution that let knoppix just start it. They suggest how I can start it from terminal though.

But seems to fail for me not sure why. Maybe it need exact path in C:/ or C:\ I will try that one again using the correct way to do it. But why would GUI fail, one only have to find somebody that have already done it.

Don't need to ahve done spotify even how do one start explorer or notes.exe or whatever exe file? Has to be a very simple answer just that I am too dense to imagine it.


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