Jigdo Download for DVD Debian
Debian now has Jigdo files to let you download all the latest files and assemble them into a DVD. If you have an old DVD, you copy it to HDD with "dd if=/dev/{dvd device} of=/home/{user profile}/debian.iso bs=2k conv=notrunc,noerror", and when you have the HDD image, create a folder, and add the following line to /etc/fstab:
"/path/to/image/file.iso /path/to/folder/you/just/made iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0"
download jigdo source from http colon slash slash atterer dot net/jigdo/. For ./configure of jigdo in SuSE 9.2 you need "with-db41=yes" and make sure db41 or db40 is installed. make and install the jigdo program. Goto http colon slash slash www dot debian dot org and follow the links to CD download. Take the jigdo route to official files and download the .jigdo and .template file for the debian DVD to build. Example: if you want to build sarge 1, get "sarge-i386-1.jigdo". Then get the template file from the template folder on the same ftp site. Navigate to the directory with the jigdo file in it on your HDD, and type "mount -o loop /path/to/folder/you/just/made". note: Now you can go to that folder and the iso file system will be mounted just like a HDD file system. Then type "jigdo-lite sarge-i386-1.jigdo" Give it the name of a debian mirror and feed it the path to the image you mounted. This program will download all the new files to make the latest DVD, use unchanged files from the old DVD image you mounted with "mount -o loop", and make it into a new .iso image you can burn so you will have the latest DVD. If you don't have the DVD, jigdo will download all the files needed and make the .iso image. You can use the same method with CD's, too.