Japanese canna won't work : Warning: かな漢字変&am
Hi all!
I am trying to get Japanese input installed on my Debian Etch machine, and I am stuck! I can easily get it to input kana (like hiragana and katakana, but when I attempt to transform a few characters to kanji, I get the following message Warning: かな漢字変換サーバと通信できません, which translates roughly to that it cannot connect to the canna server. I don't know what else I can change. I have modified my xinit file and .Xdefaults to do what I want, and it does, for the most part, except that I cannot connect to the canna server. "cannastat" returns nothing but an error, which leads me to believe the cannaserver is not running. Ok so it's not running. How can I get it to run? I type kinput2 -canna& and I also get the aforementioned error. Arg. Any suggestions? Thanks!